"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
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"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
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i had the opposite experience, my family with no coherent political beliefs hates cops and landlords and my dad was like the only time ill drink and drive is to run over cops. also they seem to hate israel.
Pleasently surprised this christmas lmao
the only time ill drink and drive is to run over cops.
tagline material?
With political messaging/propaganda in this country being what it is, you probably have a better chance at stumbling into good political positions if you avoid politics all together.
this rocks
Death to America
Can your family adopt me.
debating saying "free palestine" around my black israelite uncle to see what his reaction is but I know everyone else will be like "come the fuck on ABC...."
Like I know that the black Israelites exist but the thought of one being in your family is wild to me.
the thought of one being in your family is wild to me.
he's the most soft-spoken/not physically threatening guy but you go on his Facebook & he's posting 24/7 shit like "HELL-oween is for the world…not for the saints." and "The Bible is being fulfilled 🇮🇱" (on October 14th
) but someone else already roasted him earlier at breakfast (by asking if he was gonna see his son today...) so I'll probably give him a pass unless he says somethingive cut off the black isrealites in my family, they disgust me.
real. Thankfully it is just the one uncle and both my dad & my other uncle both are basically non-religious despite growing up with a pastor dad, so it doesn't really ever have a chance to bleed into anything - but yeah it was contentious when grandma died and he wanted to plan the funeral & everyone was like "absolutely not"
whenever he starts posting shit like "Straight Pride ✝️🇮🇱" in July though (literal post I just copied from his Facebook wall smh) I'm always like 'my man this is why no one likes you and you were fired from your nursing job & now work at walmart....'
What makes it funnier though is that literally no one else in our family or extended family has fallen for the black israelite ''knowledge'' - again, because my dad and us are all non-religious - he literally found this shit as a pretty hardcore Christian and did a whole conversion for a girl he then knocked up and had a child with but subsequently broke up with cause, his words, she wasn't 'feminine and submissive & didn't respect the Most High' like what bro....she is raising your child???
I mean - it definitely depends. Besides my uncle I've known a handful of Black Israelites who have varying degrees of belief but in my experience, it is usually a fringe belief in the sense that you have to be exposed to some facet of by someone/something. You're far less likely to just learn about it in school or at a bar. My uncle definitely discovered it through Facebook. It doesn't help that the local Christian church they go to is very pro-Israel either though. I'd imagine if you lived somewhere like NYC where you can find a group of Black Israelite preachers in public on the sidewalk, it may be a little easier to get into.
Amazingly seemed like my more and more violently coughing midde class family is starting to get disillusioned by the status quo, all had been sick before Christmas with novid obviously. Most of my leftist points were met with comments like "I agree" with glances from depressed and weary eyes. Even my comments on how this virus will end us if we keep this up. That is new.
Boy did the kids especially make me sad though. One 9 year old said when I said their cough sounds pretty bad that "I cough like this all the time now".
I cough like this all the time now
A few months ago I realized whenever I saw my nephew he was practically always coughing.
Yeah, it's soul-crushing. This time I was however finally able to have the "covid is not over" talk with the mom of said kid when in the summer of this year she still ripped my eyes out when I very calmly said I don't appreciate people showing up sick to family gatherings when covid is not over. Then I still got the partypooper treatment.
It's very sad and depressing that we have to do this the hardest possible way with the most harm possible, but here we are.
Alright but how do I convince my stupid hippy boomer dad that covid is real and that people actually died?
I'm not seeing family today because we're Jewish. But Thanksgiving was hard. I'm the only antizionist in my family, my parents and brother are sympathetic, but the rest of my family are raging zionists- my cousin actually fucking moved to Israel and proudly participated in recruitment propaganda. It was a lot
That's hard to deal with
I wouldn't say it was a raging argument, but I had a family member "both sides" Gaza. They stopped responding when I asked why Isn'trael was also conducting operations in West Bank.
Yesterday I had a liberal respond to me with "We should be careful about what we say about countries we don't live in." when I called Israel a settler-colonial fundamentalist religious ethnonationalist apartheid state. This person is the one who brought up the conflict (it was an old childhood friend who claimed to be a leftist) and said my takes on Israel were "Left Qanon"
Cut a lib etc etc etc
Similar here
Skill issue. My dad is taking a break to play STALKER with his new headphones and I am free from politics at the moment
I did not have a raging political discussion, however I did have my sister, who considers herself a leftist but probably doesn’t know who Marx was, attempt to express her extremely vibes-based politics in entertaining ways. She showed up to our dinner late and extremely high. A family friend of ours came for dinner who is from South America and is extremely cool, often regaling us with stories of El Salvador and Chile in the 60s. She’d fit in on the site. She brought up Allende and my sister rolled her eyes and said that he was just like “every other mediocre white man who is overconfident”. I asked her why she felt that way and she said she was “just kidding”. I later brought up the book the Jakarta Method and my sister said that “what is happening in Jakarta and the other places in Africa is terrible on both sides”. She then said she’s in favor of the rest of the world adopting the American dollar because it would be “more socialist”.
The subject of the CIA came up in the context of intervention in South America, and my sister related it to the CIA distributing crack in American inner cities in the 80s. This stood out to me simply because I was surprised she knew about it. She then talked about the healing power of psychedelic medicine for about forty five minutes.
Later on, we watched Its A Wonderful Life, which she said was “a good argument for why we need to replace capitalism with Bitcoin” during the scene when Uncle Billy loses the money. I didn’t even ask. I love her and I actually do think her heart is basically in the right place but she’s like a random number generator and seems to invent her completely incoherent world view as she goes along. I’ve thought about recommending at least some theory but I kind of think she’s happier and pretty much harmless in her mind castle.
Your sister is like a political magic 8 ball
I asked her why she felt that way and she said she was “just kidding”
Your sister needs to do a collab with BMF. The sheer amount of what-the-fuckery would either break my mind or help us all achieve CHIM.
lol being willing to put shit out there is an undervalued trait. Imagine if she knew lefty stuff and you turned her loose at a social event to recruit people for an action. She'd probably do great!
She absolutely would. She did well at a job once in wine sales because she was good at getting people excited about the different types of wine. Ultimately she was let go because she kept getting things wrong (couldn’t remember the country of origin, type of wine, what it paired with, etc) and would make things up on the spot. Customers caught on and complained. But everything up to that point went well.
Later on, we watched Its A Wonderful Life, which she said was “a good argument for why we need to replace capitalism with Bitcoin”
What did she mean by this
I think she was trying to say she wants to replace physical currency with Bitcoin so we can end the constant scourge of oafish, clumsy uncles allowing family fortunes to fall into the hands of miserly local slumlords.
Continuingly annoyed at family members saying "I want socialist things implemented in a socialist way by a socialist government, which is why I'm supporting the hard right!"
They just want their "socialism" with a "national" in front.
A lot of right wingers who say stuff like this have realized free marker capitalism won't deliver them a white's only paradise with mandatory patriotism, there would have to be a huge amount of central planning and protectionism to do that.
Virgin arguing whether undocumented Mexican workers are American with boomer family vs chad arguing whether Latin America is part of the West with randos on hexbear dot net
why would i get in a raging political argument with my family when I can get in a raging political argument with the online accounts with whom I have a parasocial relationship?
Is this a struggle session? I always figured yeah it’s physically on the western hemisphere, but it’s primary category would be global south.
The whole trans sports thing came up but fortunately they're not super confrontational so I just rattled off some stats, the line about how no one cared about women's sports before this and if you really care that much about fairness you gotta ban people like Michael Phelps too. They stopped after that, for now anyways.
Not sure who it's from but there's a new talking point about food not being as nutritious as it used to be but in like a conspiratorial way not cus the soil is degrading from industrial agriculture way.
More nutritious food is now more expensive due to corporate price gouging disguised as inflation, resulting in getting less nutrition for the same cost (or even more).
Oh yeah but not that kind of conspiracy. They meant it more in a Q adjacent way.
That's not a conspiracy, veggies are bred for speed of growth and shelf stability, not flavor or nutrition. Compare an heirloom garden grown tomato to a super market one. Everybody should be taking a multivitamin.
I suppose it depends on your definition of conspiracy but yeah it's to decrease turnover time.
Impressive that you've memorized stats and can dunk with them
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but regardless, just the one about athletic performance being statistically equivalent for trans women (or maybe even worse) after 2 years of HRT as cis women. And the most important one about the lack of trans women dominating women's sports (either in total or as a percentage of trans athletes), which one would expect to happen if there were a real advantage.
Didn’t hang out with family but I did drink too much and now I feel like I wanna barf.
Also, what if Mr. Beast got implants and changed his name to Mr. Breast
Don't forget to drink some water when your stomach calms down a bit
Mr. Yeast (for baking bread).
Not a huge argument on my side. Old grandfather consistently asks me to enlist, I always tell him it's not a Christian thing to do, to massacre the people of the world for the benefit of the wealthy. Usually my parents back me up even though they're conservative boomers. Same old same old.
At a friend of mine's Christmas someone chucked a chair 20 feet to bean someone else in the face.
No one was hurt, so its not too crass to congratulate the aim
I dont even think i could chuck a chair 20 feet.
(headphone warning, this shit is loud and was filmed in 2009)
Ooh, I posted it in another thread but it seems relevant here.
Ladies and gentlemen: I give you the official DragonBallZinn's guide to holiday politics!
Number one and also the TL;DR: Do not engage. This is so important I wrote an essay in the rest of this comment about it!
Actually arguing with CHUDs is what they want, it's the TV trope of can't argue with elves. So therefore, the winning move is to not play, but you can do this in a way that makes you look good.
Put out an air that you are too good for politics. You can do this in many ways "why talk about politics when we can be enjoying time together?" You can look at some of your other relatives and say "could we talk about something else? It's Christmas!". If you slip up and give them something to bite on, just say "oops, sorry. now's not the time for me to explain but we can discuss this some other time if you're really interested." Even if it doesn't register to them, it registers to relatives, even more conservative relatives that your uncle/grandparent/cousin/whatever, the conservative, is the one being a burden and not the "wokescold". How pathetic is that when a progressive is outdoing them in the "just enjoy things like normal people" department?
Number two: If you're feeling confident, push back a little bit but refuse to elaborate.
This is more of a plan B if you slip up and engage. For example, for whatever reason China was brought up yesterday and my uncle was going on about how they ban religion in communist countries. I mentioned that China does have Christmas but it's just commercial, and that China recognizes 5 religions including Xinjiang having a huge Muslim population. Obviously the Uyghurs were brought up, but I really just mentioned that the Uyghurs have been there for decades and now's not really the time to go into detail: it's Christmas after all and we can discuss it later (and "later" will never come). The psychology is that I'm openly left-wing, I know some things they don't but I have the tact to know 'now's not the time for argument, we have a holiday to enjoy.' so if he brings up politics afterwards: he's the asshole.
Number three: Especially if you're younger, NEVER go on the offensive.
Follows with tip 1. Make them feel like the burden. If these types can sense that you came here with a chip on your shoulder, they're going to try to make their Christmas dream of "triggering their SJW moral[slur] relative" come true. Even if it feels like you're 'letting them win', the worst case scenario is that they will chalk it up in their heads that they 'won', but it will be a hollow victory because they never got to see you squirm or actually get an argument out of you. I know I'm repeating myself here, but it's more like giving off the impression that you're just a normal guy enjoying the holidays. That does more for the left than any argument ever will.
Number four: If they start going for the jugular and start getting too fashy, and they don't openly hate you, try pulling them aside.
Pull them aside and mention that what they said kinda sucked, and if you want to explain why say something like "I know a few black/trans people and they're alright." obviously they'll double down and at that point just say "I'm not mad or trying to argue, I'm just saying."
Number five: If you're a dude, help out with the setting up or cleaning especially if you simply must show some disagreement.
Number six: here's another plan B if you do get baited and need an out: If your family is white and/or Christian, you can use respectability politics right back.
TL;DR: You have too much class to argue during the Holidays, so don't because investing too much about politics is dumb. If you feel like it, try to win the dick-measuring contest some other way. Make the tastier cookies, tell some cool stories about your accomplishments or skills you're developing. Outdress everyone.
I really like this. I had a pretty good experience wrt: my family because we all realized what was happening, moved to another room and shut the door on the offending parties when they started talking about that stuff. It fizzled out in about 15 minutes. It's easier to get people to embrace "normalcy" than it is to get them to embrace anything else, and it's easier to ostracise the people talking about Hamas or unfair advantages in women's sports than it is to raise conciousness. People getting into it at the holidays are absolutely abnormal (reminder, it's a fucking get-together) and should be treated as such.
Love this advice, very basic but effective stuff.
"You don't think we should do anything about Ukraine?"
Me: "Nope. NATO shouldn't be encroaching on Russia, they're violating non-expansion agreements. And every clip I see of the war, the Ukrainian soldiers are sporting Nazi symbols on their uniforms."
"But that Putin is just another Trump!"
Me: "Yep. And the war is a bunch of awful people fighting other awful people, throwing more guns at it isn't going to stop it. We could be spending that support money on taking care of people here at home. We should massively defund the military and pull back our expeditionary units and close our bases around the world."
"Then what will stop China from invading?!".
Me: "Unlike the US government, China isn't surrounding every adversarial county with bases; that should clue you in about their values and priorities".
Me: "Unlike the US government, China isn't surrounding every adversarial county with bases; that should clue you in about their values and priorities".
I hate that everytime I bring this up, libs always go "but Chyna is so agressive in the South China Sea! We need them there!
""Which sea? Didn't hear you... The south what sea? Sorry, it's kinda loud in here. South China Sea? China is in the South China Sea? Where is that anyway?"
Every lib who says this has no idea what the eleven dash line is
pull back our expeditionary units and close our bases around the world."
Um....my brain just had a very lib thought (though in lib fashion, I still think it applies). This actually reminds me of strategies in war games where you keep building troop manufacturing buildings and fortresses next to places you plan to invade next, or plan hostilities towards.
You could be building them as a way to protect allies, but if your foreign policy is pretty hostile to nations in the area (militarily, economically and/or politically), and you have a history of extremely violent aggression, if I was on the other side, I would absolutely expect the worst. You can either be Iraq and appeasement policy yourself into a violent invasion and the murder of a million of your people, or you can be North Korea and threaten to YOLO the other side and split the millions of deaths among yourselves. One got invaded, and the other one hasn't. China pulls its punches a lot, but I'm glad they don't back down.
Not just in war games, staging grounds and fall back points are very important for a flexible invasion strategy!
My wife prepared dinner for the whole lot because I had uni until Friday and then little one got sick so I had to take care of him while she did the whole thing basically herself, only for her parents and their partners to criticize today's lazy youth, jerk each other off over how much they let themselves be exploited by their employers and telling each other they did nothing wrong with how they raised kids while criticizing how we do it, all the while my wife is running the show. Absolute travesty I wish she could cut them out, its pure poison. Her sisters just sat there as well either trying to harmonize or relativize the indirect beratement or came out to help, while the boomers were gabbing about whatever trying to get in as many sideswipes in as possible.
I'm going to strongly suggest to her that next year we rethink the whole Christmas thing, because she is the whole reason the family got even together like it did. If she just doesn't organize it won't happen.
Lmao holy fuck, I wouldn't even give it a day, they'd get a text at like 2 in the morning that says "none of you are welcome at any gathering of ours ever again because you acted like assholes good riddance" lmao
I'm going to strongly suggest to her that next year we rethink the whole Christmas thing, because she is the whole reason the family got even together like it did. If she just doesn't organize it won't happen.
Not for nothing, this is very worth considering.
Planning and hosting a big gathering all for the pleasure of miserable people who won’t appreciate it, is not a worthwhile use of energy. I know feeling like she is the glue of the family and that it’s the right thing to do for sake of the family. However, it’s an unfair burden to have on one’s self without any support from the other people involved. Eventually you gotta look out for you and your own.
The royal “you” obviously. Not trying to come off like I’m belittling you or her.
Its so ingrained through the years she doesn't think about it until I point out how no one complimented any effort she made (and those are some deluxe Christmas cookies you'd pay out the nose at the bakery for that she made) and how she and her sisters were looking for any excuse to get out of that room.
Also just out of curiosity, even with your comment I don't see how what you wrote could be read as belittling, could you expand on that I'm afraid I might come off belittling unintentionally.
Christmas day family report:
All in all it was a lovely Christmas.
My 20-something second cousin 110% wanted to fuck.
Yeah. Can we hear this conversation. Hahahahahh oh to be a fly on the wall.
I’m going to make your pronouns were/was
That's such a banger line. I'm going to steal it comrade.
Thanks to all of our brave troops posting in the IRL trenches.
Getting real fuckin sick of so-called "anticapitalists" with 0 materialism, 0 awareness of history and 0 ability to critique capitalism outside of the framework of capitalism, the market and economics
Help, having leftist politics is isolating me even harder than usual
"What do you mean, you hope the dollar collapses? Don't you know that's how I pay for my treats?"
Gotta recharge with comrades! We're surrounded by liberalism and need to educate people but that can be very draining. Spending time with cool people can fill your cup back up!
Also despite me giving advice I wanna say I'm with you on it being exhausting. I have to take a few weeks off of liberals every so often because I'll just hate people in general if I spend too much time in conflict over things like whether Palestinians are humans and as such shouldn't have their hospitals bombed by an occupying force.
I thought I knew cool people, is the problem. Especially in queer circles it's not uncommon to hear people say "eat the rich death to the bourgeoisie" or "capitalism is a death cult the empire is rotting" or similar variations. I figured that reading the Manifesto and absorbing a bunch of stuff through here would give me common ground with these people, but they're always shocked and confused whenever you try to talk about anything seriously, like the DPRK maybe not being a "personality cult"
So the only cool person I have is my wife (thank fuck) and all other social ventures have failed dramatically for this and other (autism) reasons. Exhausting indeed...
My wife and I are planning to have a struggle session over dinner tonight. Followed quickly by a snuggle session.
Heated debate about transgenderism. Looks like my dad had taken the bait and watches too much media. He dismissed transitioning as a legitimate treatment for gender dysphoria, insisting that those afflicted should take SSRIs or some such. My wife and I made the point that transitioning IS the treatment; it is drastically better in terms of outcomes and (can be) much less invasive and impactful. I think he also watched that (PragerU?) "documentary" that was promoted on X, I was able to shut him up by telling him that only 1 or 2 people in the last decade have regretted transitioning, but conservative media makes these cases seem more common than they are. Finally moved off the topic by pointing out that I dont really think its a big deal who plays which sports, considering the material state of the world. Now I'm kicking myself for not saying trans rights are human rights, and for moving to a meta-conversation about discourse like a fucking lib.
People like your dad are why I don't talk much with my family anymore. I'm nonbinary, visibly so, and I got tired of being singled out at every family function
thanks for sticking up for trans ppl <3
Trying to figure out my wife's cousin-in-law's views. Back when I was still on Facebook we posted similar hot takes and memes but it's was mostly stuff that could just easily be Demposting. So I've always just assumed he was a Dem maybe. We were talking quietly about the current political things on Saturday and he did a comical looking over his shoulder bit. I was like "so you are Dem leaning or..." but all he said was that he his views were closer to Dem.
So now I'm overthinking it lol. That could mean he's like Christian left or it could mean he's a libertarian or centrist or whatever.
I'll take overlapping views tho since the rest of the family is yuppity chud-central a lot of the time.
For example my brother-in-law just made a dumb comment on "if we are allowed to still call them tomboys" as if the commies have some sort of stranglehold on PC words or what he can and can't call people showing trans-positive traits or girls that just don't wanna wear frilly fucking dresses all the time. Like "here's my casual transphobe comment for the day!"
I just stayed home with my wife this year. My whole family is some kind of neuro-atypical but my wife and I being the most atypical, we always get bullied, my wife especially. Its just not worth the long drive to get drunk in the balmy south. My sister in law is always making snide comments, my brother tries to keep peace to a fault, my dad ignores it all, my mom is a narcissist, and my sister is weird like me but defends herself with being mean. I love them but they're exhausting and I want my wife to have a nice christmas.
We made a spinach lasagna for christmas eve, a big ham that we'll be processing for weeks for christmas day, and far more cookies than 2 people should be able to eat.
Happy for you guys. You deserved a chill time Comrade
Thank you
not an argument but im avoiding calling certain family members. im still mad about what she said about my mom.
Sometimes I wish my family had political beliefs beyond local politicians they like or don't like. Not very often but sometimes.
Yea i wish i could openly praise ansarallah in my family reunions 😔
My family just wouldn't even know what I'm talking about. They'd have the half heard nightly news version at best and wouldn't want to talk about it anyway.
Got into a debate with a friend about voting for Joe Biden.
I said I'd never vote for someone with full throated support for genocide and I would never budge regardless of harm reduction bullshit. She said "What's more important, American workers or people in Gaza?" Then she immediately changed it to "They both support genocide, so lets at least get the one with better worker rights."
Behind every mayo is the mask of an absolute fascist dictator.
Cause worker rights are so good under democrats lol
I have heard people complimenting Biden over vague ideals way too much. Also, someone got a RBG mug.
I have a family member with an RBG sticker on their hydroflask. The most lib shit ever.
Welcome to the resistance
My parents were a bit confused by my choice of having a lasagna for dinner instead of turkey or ham, but i'm also an entire flight away from them so
"I just like lasagna better" is an easy cover
Basically what i said, that and i had already prepped it yesterday.
lasagna is x100 better than traditional xmas dinner any day, in my opinion
Oh yeah, this is my gutbuster lasagna, with 4 hour sauce, bechamel, and each lasagna sheet was dipped in pesto. All completely vegan, and it's basically cooked in a trough it's so thick. Served with a nice persimmon and greens salad with balsamic vinaigrette, bruschetta, and mixed olives. I'm going to bed stuffed.
Monday Gang represent.
Your aunt just needs to stop
Existing, that isI agree. Hamas does need to stop Israel
Pretty bad one for pre-christmas get together. Grandma fear mongered about fent, dad and uncle were talking completely about chud politics and how the abortion rights protection referendum would allow abortion up to the date of birth, and sister started ranting about trans people.
We were at a restaurant, so I just announced that the food was making me sick and waited it out in the car.
My nearest family aren’t very chuddy and I’m the one that gets the most heated out of em so they’re cowed it isn’t really an issue at mine. Interesting to see all these examples.
Only one who can be a bit off is nan who has Alzheimer’s but somewhat strange beliefs. She loves the Somali, Kurdish and Iranian immigrants she interacts with but hisses about Finns.
She loves the Somali, Kurdish and Iranian immigrants she interacts with but hisses about Finns.
Nan sounds pretty based ngl
I'm not sure if this is rude or not, feel free to ignore or scold me; are these previously held beliefs or an after the Alzheimers thing?
Nah, just that it is pointless arguing with her now.
I’d rather someone be open they have a preference for people based on their experiences than hide it and apply social pressure with money. 🤷♂️ If I was a fin I’d bet I’d love that she hates me 😂
I just sat at home all day because most of my family caught Covid.
Not an argument but my leftist dad has been obnoxious since he came to Taiwan. He's never forgiven them for aiding Guatemala's right-wing dictators. So he keeps making jokes about Taiwan being the rebellious province of China in front of my wife's family. Thankfully she's the only one in her family that can speak fluent Spanish and just chuckles at them.
Avoided extended family entirely this year. My partner and I hung out at home for the holidays, with Christmas movies on in the background and cookies in the oven. It was wonderful and relaxing without the social obligations and expectations.
Of course we got a little bit of the guilt trip, but we got COVID 2 weeks ago and that put a real damper on everything. Between social anxiety and still feeling like dogshit, we didn’t let the guilt get to us.
Fuck everyone, do what you want!
Not an argument, but good lord Charlie Brown Christmas is incredibly misogynistic
To push back, Lucy is the character that gives Charlie Brown the director gig. I don’t think it passes the bechdel test but my reading of the whole thing is an expression of the felt alienation of growing up in capitalist America. The little girls in the story act as a sort of Greek choruses for the feelings of insecurity and inadequacy that are brought on by the “commercialism” (re: Capitalism) ruining Christmas. Lucy also has a great moment at her therapy stand where, after collecting payment and celebrating it, she begins to try and diagnose Charlie Brown, implying that alone will be helpful. The whole exchange does a great job of mirroring the transactional and alienating feeling of therapy under capitalism. And the punchline at the end is that Lucy, a child, wants real estate for Christmas! Hilarious!
None of this is to say Charles Schulz wasn’t a misogynist, he probably was, 1965 was definitely a misogynistic time. I just feel it’s an oversimplification to call Charlie Brown Christmas misogynistic. There’s a reason that it had an unbroken string of Christmas airings for 5 decades. Something about it resonates with people. Again, there’s undeniably deeply flawed gender politics suffusing the whole thing, but it is an artifact of the past and so that’s part of the story of it.
I guess I’m writing all this because I don’t always feel the positives outweigh the negatives when appreciating historical media. I feel very strongly that the artistic value of A Charlie Brown Christmas vastly outweighs whatever ambient misogyny is embedded within it.
The choice to make many of the most critical comments come from little girls is surely gender coded in a problematic way, and yet it also reads as very realistic. Little kids can be very mean! Especially to each other. If memory serves the male characters are also very unkind to Charlie Brown.
The pacing, the music, the humor, The way it captures the American ennui that is the background radiation of so many American lives. Certainly flawed, but beautiful in a way I really love. If that’s a bad take than you can keep your good ones.
the Vince Guaraldi soundtrack carries it (and all the other Peanuts cartoons) imo
Didn't have an argument because I had to remain shut the whole dinner. But let me tell you if I had remained there 1 more fucking minute I would probably be hated by now.
They didn't touch on the Palestinian genocide or anything of that sort, but the antivax narrative, which is new comming from them, and the stuff they said about the 2 poorest neighbourhoods in our city is disgusting. Not only that, but there's also their praise of rich people, which is just, uuuhgh.
New Year's eve is gonna be worse, I can tell already.
I'm glad my family never seems to discuss politics. The most political my family's get together got was my stepdad doing a Biden impression.
The his is how I recall it growing up. Then the boomers got all lead poisony.
explaining to my family that the reason i dont wear a wedding ring isnt because im a slut but because im not into consumerist rocks that cost 20k usd. im a fucking communist how do they not comprehend this ive said it a billion times. these same people will complain about shit like hijabs
also, despite them being christian, they were bewildered that i spend so much time helping homeless people. theyre so profit brained that jesus would lynch them for calling themselves christian
None to report this year, but mostly because my brothers and I played videogames all day. Very rare indeed.
I won't be having any familial conversations this year, but I imagine it would go like, "of course COVID is 'back', it's an election year
"My dad knows that if he defends nato in front of me I'll call him a dumb motherfucker until he shuts up. My mom doesn't really care
I’m lucky to live in a family of turbo libs, but the casual ableism and transphobia is almost impressive at times
The type of people to give you all the affirmations while shedding tears as they lead you into the gas chambers tbh
I got lucky and didn’t
I actually had an OK-ish chat with my dad about transness...he's a huge contrarian and a pedant which makes talking about many things quite annoying, but thankfully he is not on social media at all so he is not completely pilled in any one direction. Once I introduced the phrase "decoupling sex and gender" he was able to at least grasp that, so.....baby steps. But who knows where we'll be at next year.
The fact he took time to learn something new around gender identity and sex is all you can truly ask for <3 moving in the right direction for sure.
Not me, but my dad and study abroad dad got into an argument about the Ukraine war. My dad is a standard pro Ukraine American liberal. Study abroad dad is also a liberal, but he stans Mearsheimer, so he has this weird hodgepodge ideology where he criticizes NATO expansionism but also loves Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
I heard my dad talking about how the word Palestine is descended from the word Philistine, gonna confront him on that bullshit tomorrow.
Wait, isn't it?
It is but he was talking about Hamas using human shields and using hospitals as bases and other such bullshit, it was in a racist context, then he talked about not liking the way Biden was doing the war but being against a ceasefire.
GOOD thread
The closest I came was saying I wasn't a fan of Miracle on Ice, so it went very smoothly. I still had to get away a number of times cause I was getting overwhelmed by too much talking and simultaneous loud conversations.
Can we have wholesome stuff too?
My fam (mostly centrists) watched Barbie on Christmas Eve and they now kinda start getting what the difference between liberal feminism and actual feminism is, without me having to interfere, this is the most i could get out of this i think so it was a good day.
had my political fight with the dumbfuck when the wizard game came out, he's still licking his wounds ig
was kinda hoping he would start shit so everyone could see that HE is the one trying to start shit forcing me to educate his ass, but no diceoverall a lovely dinner was had
Mine wasn't too bad. My brother-in-law said the standard (both sides) lib shit that John Oliver didn't really bother to dispell. I just dropped the subject, honestly.
Not a raging argument as such but still a
opinion from a relative.My mother in law does some off the books housekeeping work for an aristocratic family. They're the kind of upper class people who are utterly helpless when it comes to practical stuff and who can afford never to have learned to cook, clean and do laundry. My mother in law has assumed a weird kind of parental relation to the wife and talks a lot with her.
This Christmas my in-laws were going on and on about how poor these aristocrats were and how bad it was for them. My in-laws are as working class as it gets, they are both on disability, they don't own property, they've broken their bodies doing manual labour all their lives, they have to resort to off the books work and black market trading to enjoy just a little financial comfort and here they are feeling sad about the finances of someone who owns a fucking castle, a sizable amount of farmland and several rental properties. They can afford to serve their kid to some fancy foreign elite athletics school and to employ a housekeeper and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them for having no money?
False consciousness is one hell of a drug.
Urgh my mum keeps talking shit about young people not being able to buy houses and it's just so frustrating and stupid. She's barely worked a day in her life except for some easy job in the.com bubble but suddenly she's a financial authority.