The Jebus Said So.
The Jebus Said So.
The Jebus Said So.
And post offensive stupid stuff publically and act surprised when people don't like it
Hells yeah! Also gotta downvote facts that contradict ya. That'll teach 'em.
And at worst send death threats if somebody else posts things not to their liking, because freeze peach.
That's not at worst. At worst is: murder employees of a French magazine or murder doctors to preserve the sanctity of life.
that seems more anti free speech than anything
“But everyone on /stormfront loved it!”
I want to know how all the people in that picture deal with parking. They must have huge parking structures.
No they were at a German flea market. The American mind can't understand a continent of people with no means to move from spot to spot without walking.
Stands to reasons, since most depictions of this Jesus character show him as VERY white and VERY European.
I love the idea of him telling a parable with a comical German accent.
"Da! Hullo! Wilkommen to mein sermon on mein mount!"
They have cars in the Middle East?
Oh. Wait. Just the Israelis.
Bullshit, ISIS have toyota hilux.
The middle east? Where gasoline/petrol is almost free? Dude. Buddy. Pal. The arabs have so many fucking cars. It's insane. UAE, SE, etc. so. Many. Cars.
Dont tell me what to do cunt.
Fuck you, I'll do what I fucking want to cunt, what you gonna do, stab me?
Yeh what the fuck is this shit? Op can go to hell. You can get fucked too cunt
I shan't argue
After viewing that, I think Jesus needs to heal my glaucoma or something...
So the people followed his advice, got offended at his memes, and crucified him. /s
He's not the memelord! He's a very naughty boy!
I'm not a biblical scholar, like at all, but isn't that exactly the sort of thing he'd say/ do?
Extra-canonically he was certainly talking a lot about dank images:
Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before you and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will have to bear!"
[...] Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, [...] an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
(This was more relating to Plato's concept of eikon and what was effectively a version of the simulation hypothesis in antiquity, but if we throw out the context it could potentially be talking about making memes.)
Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about
Like yeah I don't, but didn't he curse a fig tree for not having fruit, while it wasn't fig season?
Didn't he get himself executed for like being offended that people were doing business at the temple?
How is that not taking shit personally and arguing with strangers?
You don't think he'd be like coming in hot on a comment chain?
Oh ok
He is a fictional. The question is if the writer needs him to do it or not.
He was almost certainly not fictional.
Fictional constructs don't end up having bitterly opposed factions splintering off within decades of their supposed death, but that's an extremely common feature of nearly every cult organized around a historical central figure.
The specific depiction of Jesus canonized likely has many fictional elements, but the idea that there was no historical figure in the first place is pretty ludicrous.
This is not a meme, and OP is always posting lies about the Holy Ghost 👻 . Everyone knows Jebus was a good Sumerian.
Edit: Downvote me all you want. It just proves my point.
Holy Ghost?
What the hell is this? An episode of Scooby-Doo?
"And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you God and Jesus kids!"
I'm loving the argumentative comments here! Christmas spirit at its finest chefs kiss
Fuck you and have a very merry christmas with your loved ones, you asshole! And a happy new year, cunt!
the word of the lord, amen
Why the hell should I listen to that? This is just stupid.
Why should I give a damn what your religious figure says? This meme is stupid and you should feel bad. /s
I was just gonna get incoherent and then ignore responses to my post
this is extremely offensive to me.
Fighting the good fight.