Truly inspirational
Truly inspirational
Truly inspirational
21 stone?! I swear you guys will use anything instead of metric
Actually stone is used by the brits instead of americans
21 stone is approximately 1.54 Americans, by my calculations. Another weird unit of measure but who am I to judge?
I do believe that's the joke.
Yes. The Brits still use a few non-metric measurements at times. In fact, it was America’s British heritage that got us Americans into the bad habit of using imperial over metric in the first place.
Only for adult body weight.
I'm impressed that it only took a quarter of a dozen fortnights.
Wow I could travel so many furloughs in that time period.
Stone only makes sense for people used to pounds, shillings and pence. For instance, "This costs 3 pound, 4 shilling and 8", and, "I weight 12 stone, 6 pounds and 3 ounces".
"12 stone, 6 pounds and 3 ounces", instead of saying "133.4 kilogram". Lol. :)
But the "being used to it" is always hard to overcome.
I'm glad it worked for him, but if someone did that to me, I'd probably get fatter just out of spite.
Healthy fuck.
Fine! Fine! I'll go jogging, you bastard!
I'd probably get fatter just out of spite.
-Gets fatter
-Has heart attack
-Friend: there it goes the fat f*****t
For the US users, that's 0.79 Danny DeVitos
According to the questionable celebrity health statistics website I found... Danny DeVito is 70kg, which is 11 stone... So it's more like the chef lost almost 1.9 Danny DeVitos. We Americans may have weird measuring systems, but we take them seriously!
My apologies, I accidentally divided by Dutch cask per stadion
Measuring in Smoots is a hill I will die on.
294 lbs for other confused Americans, 133.4 Kg for everyone else that's not British.
Are you sure? 133 kilo is two of me...
That's why this is a news article, it's really quite impressive in terms of both weight gained and weight lost.
That's what Google said
Had no idea kidney stones were that big
6 weeks?
I assume the texting was six weeks but the weight losing longer
Only way someone can loose 130kg+ in 6 weeks if they get chopped in half.
It says he texted him for six weeks. Not that is how fast he lost the weight. But at least that's how I read it.
Thats not what is says
How many pebbles in a stone, and stone in a boulder? It's a convenient measurement, I'm sure.
All I know is that a large boulder can be the size of a small boulder.
Oh yeah 😎👉👉
1 stone is 14lbs, the uk still like to use imperial for measuring weight and height
UK seems to be using every measure available.
With peer pressure you can do anything!
Try to pay attention to your food intake.
This brings me memories of fathate or whatever that fatfobic subreddit was called.
They were so toxic that the site got noticeably better within 24 hours of them being banned.
They all migrated to Voat. Later, people from r/The_Donald also tried to join voat, but the fat hate people were too toxic even for them!
Yeah, they were awful, awful people.
I too have been struggling with my weight for most of my life (the worst was 135 kilos at 189cm height, usually sitting around 95-100). I have been occasionally made fun of as a kid for it too, so I’m happy treating fat people like shit isn’t that acceptable any more.
However, I actually feel society has gone too far in accepting it, being overweight is very unhealthy and at a certain point even a burden on everyone around you and the healthcare system. It should not be normalized like this.
Fat people don’t deserve to be ostracized, but they sure as shit don’t need to hear that they are healthy and okay to remain as they are, because it’s a blatant and dangerous lie. For the vast majority of overweight people it is a symptom of their poor lifestyle and not an actual medical condition.
Fuckin shitty people central
Who the fuck measures anythin in stones?
People from the UK.
We still like pints and miles too.
He lost a lot of weight and all it took was daily malicious bullying?! How inspirational.
It's not necessarily malicious -- given general humour in this country, it's likely he wanted to lose weight and asked his friend to text him that daily as a form of motivation.
Edit: however, I'd like to point out that consensually being sent that by a friend is fundamentally different to having abuse thrown at you by a stranger on the internet for your body shape.
Well it's UK so I'm guessing now the friend goes: "skinny fuck" every day?
Anyone else a bit suspicious of a skinny chef?
Nah, most good chefs are cigarette addicted and depressed, that keeps them skinny
Yes very much so. There was this bakery I would go to when I was a teen who had the best chocolate chip cookies ever. The woman behind the counter stood taller than pretty much any woman I have ever seen and her obesity made me wonder how she could even stand.
So were those stones ugly? Or just too much for his furniture? Why is this so anti-stones?
He ate them, that's why he was so big. He lost (passed?) them and is now skinny
That makes sense, thank you!
Zeus tricked him into eating them.
Stones are made of high fructose corn syrup, maltodexotrin, skittles, and xanthan gum?
Feedback is a gift when properly wrapped.
21 stone in six weeks?
Did he pay for 1½ month gym membership?
To me, I read it as though he decided to lose weight after 6 weeks of his friend texting him. He then decided after 6 weeks, that he will start losing the weight. Yea? Yea I'll go with that
So did he lose stones or grow a pair? This is so confusing.
Stones = feet but for weight not length
And they say words don't affect you physically.
Damn, I don't even weigh 21 stone, he lost more than I weigh! That's wild.
And they say fat shaming doesn’t work…
Obviously it’s different for everybody, but it worked for me. I lost over a hundred pounds after watching a comedy special where the comic ripped into fat people. It made me feel gross, and gave me the motivation/willpower to start losing the weight.
That won’t work for everyone so obviously we shouldn’t go harassing all fat people, but clearly “fat shaming” isn’t entirely worthless.
This is how the devil thinks that motivation works. He probably was a chef though.
Does anyone remember those stories about the really fat girl who went to Japan and the person who documented their antics?
It’s the Bill Burr method.
Fatpeoplehate still going strong
That's absolutely what these stupid ass type of posts are about.
People just can't help themselves but being assholes about it.
Yeah, it's shameful that as society we learned to be compassionate to other disabled people but still treat the obese like it's their own fault.