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  • Some women really are like the US tax system - know exactly what they want from you, but refuse to tell you until after you fuck up

  • I went out with this girl that was WAAAAY out of my league. We walked around the museum, had some brunch, it was a good day. I was nervous, though, and I didn't make any moves. Same thing happens, no texts or calls for days. Send her a text, she says she thought I wasn't interested because I didn't try to hold her hand or anything while we were walking. I wish I could say that I handled that news well, but I honestly don't remember what I said. I'm sure it was defensive and argumentative though, because that's how I am. I never got a second date with her. Advice from a guy with low self confidence: fake it. Don't be an ass, but treat your partner like an equal and you'll get a lot further that way.

  • Why did she not try to kiss him? Did he have a bad breath or something?