Anon goes on a date
Anon goes on a date
Anon goes on a date
Text her, "hey, that was fun. Let's go out again" OR do nothing for 2 days then ask her what her dang problem was. Well done as usual anon
Some women really are like the US tax system - know exactly what they want from you, but refuse to tell you until after you fuck up
I went out with this girl that was WAAAAY out of my league. We walked around the museum, had some brunch, it was a good day. I was nervous, though, and I didn't make any moves. Same thing happens, no texts or calls for days. Send her a text, she says she thought I wasn't interested because I didn't try to hold her hand or anything while we were walking. I wish I could say that I handled that news well, but I honestly don't remember what I said. I'm sure it was defensive and argumentative though, because that's how I am. I never got a second date with her. Advice from a guy with low self confidence: fake it. Don't be an ass, but treat your partner like an equal and you'll get a lot further that way.
Lots of caveats to this so don't just blindly go around asking people for a kiss or whatever, but for a date, especially the second half or end of the date, I think a good rule of thumb is to assume they want the kiss/hand hold/etc, BUT the critically important thing is you should just ask first and respect whatever answer they give. "Can I hold your hand?", "Do you want to kiss?", etc. If the women in your story and ops had done that, they almost certainly would've gotten what they wanted, but often people expect men to be the one to initiate, and no matter what gender you are it's scary to do anyways.
I've been seeing a girl about a month now and I find her SO attractive that it's made me way more cautious about making moves. I'm increasingly finding that although she's incredibly attractive to me she likes the same stuff p much every other girl I've dated has. I just am getting in my own way by thinking I'll fuck it up. What's even more bizzare is she likes me too
Why did she not try to kiss him? Did he have a bad breath or something?
Nah that's bullshit on her part.
Dating is hard and weird. People do their best while trying to grow and learn from past experiences. Just ask anon.