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Carmakers Push Forward With Plans To Make Basic Features Subscription Services, Despite Widespread Backlash

  • As much as I hate what it will do to the used car market we as a people need to stop buying these new cars. Like actually make it a shameful act to even be in one of these distopian devices. People love to bully and be outraged, why not point it to something like this that can be agreed on and is not hard to fix?

    • People want the newest shiniest thing. Cars are no longer tools, but status symbols. And people absolutely will not give up status.

      • Yeah, that is why shame works so well here. Status does not work to sell if is the status is negative.

  • And this is why capitalist markets don't really regulate themselves and need government intervention.

    • Because the handful of of companies that buy up all their competitors will just do whatever makes the most money together and consumers have no alternatives.

  • I worked in design for a major global automaker, I designed and prototyped various user experiences around enabling/disabling features on demand, and paying a subscription. This was 7-8 years ago, and the context was developing countries and what we called "emerging markets" where people just bought bare bones base model vehicles, but there were always 1 or 2 highly desirable features they needed but could only get in a high spec model - they couldn't afford.

    The idea tested very well, they could buy their cheap vehicle and then enable just the things they really need. And they would pay for that. I still think this is a valid and good use case for subscribing, in these markets and for these people.

    Somewhere between then and today, sales and marketing entered the chat, and I know because I fought them tooth and nail. What I designed morphed into subscribing to everything for everyone. I don't work there any more and that's part of why.