Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education.
Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education.
Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education.
The right wing is always stupid. Everyone else is sometimes stupid. But the right? Always completely pants on head stupid, if not cartoonishly evil.
Do not attribute malice to that which can be explained by stupidity... But never fully discount it.
I quit believing in Hanlon’s razor years ago when I realized that it’s clearly both. Both stupid malice and malicious stupidity.
In this case it's definitely both.
Both far left and far right are always stupid. At least here in my country Far left: Burns and destroy local business and destroy public transport used by all citizens just to protest and then for some reason blame the police for that. Far right: Constantly having hallucinations about the United Nations being controlled by far left and vaccines = poison.
Both are in a competence to show who has less neurons.
Far left: Burns and destroy local business and destroy public transport used by all citizens just to protest and then for some reason blame the police for that.
Go and protest by the sidewalks on Sundays, they are not gonna give a shit, if they even notice, break a few windows(from banks if possible) disrupt traffic and you are gonna be on the news, they will call you a terrorist but they at least will know you are there and ready to do shit.
The french know what's up.
And so begins the parade of Argentinians having their faces eaten off by leopards after voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party.
They've been getting their faces eaten off, so they voted for the other party that will eat their face hoping it will change this up.
P-p-pero, no es peronista! No es kirchnerista! No puede ser, la 9na es la vencida!
How to loudly announce you're part of the fasc in-group.
He's not facist. He's libertarian two completely different modes of goverment one wants to disband the state the other wants complete and utter control and so wants to make the state into a one party state
Then why does he want to ban abortions, change currency and oppose labor unions? Disband gubbermint my ass
Milei: Denies the dictatorship where 30000 people disappeared hapens.
This guy: he's not fascist.
There's this great thread in the Disco Elysium reddit from years ago. This guy posted and complained that all the family first nation first choices that were part of his morals were making him align with the fasc. Having to do the thumb up the ass salute. All that stuff.
You played disco? Try it out. See if you give it a thumbs up.
It is laughable the use of right wing and fascist! Libertarians want to disempower the corrupt monopoly coercive state and empower individuals - and this makes them fascist! 🤣
Now watch the down votes for this post while also noticing the lack of logical rebuttal!
They really watched Brazil get fucked by rightwing policies for 6 years and thought "I want that".
I just don't get it. Every time a right wing government people get fucked and more fucked. Arguably even with left governments, but brexit / trump / bosonaro level fucked it's is hard to achieve..
And people still vote for these train wrecks..
What am I missing? What do I need to do get it? Lower my iq seems to be a possible answer, but I'm really struggling to see it
Most of the people making up their voter base are quite literally brainwashed. I've seen it happen with my parents – years of subtle manipulation by the media eventually turned their brains to mush. They quite literally can't form their own opinions anymore and need guidance from the rightwing cult.
I have theory might be crazy but what the hell. Think about some phrasing. We tell people when they do something good they do the RIGHT thing. Majority of humans are RIGHT handed.
Everything good is gear towards the going RIGHT. We even record advanments like time, and progress as moving to the RIGHT.
Here in America our calendar move to the RIGHT.
So maybe that might be why we keep moving RIGHT politically even though that is a horrible thing.
Because anything to the LEFT is seen as bad.
The whole world has, all the shit and these goons keep getting elected. People are desperate for change and liberalism will only allow the center and the far right.
Make the public dumber, less healthy, less connected, and less informed about the world so they can't stage a revolution and kill you. Perfect plan really.
It's just telling the people what they want to hear. Just saying you'll end corruption once and for all will give you lots of followers. What happens after you win, who cares.
The previous president, Alberto, was (afaik) equally loved by the public, made promises about improvement, corruption, blah blah. Made things worse, now it's turn for the next guy.
People in South America are already stupid, disconnected & uninformed. No need to make things worse, just maintain the status quo.
Outside of economics, his proposed social politics are so crowd-pleasing, it makes me wonder if he just promised to make abortion illegal just because he wanted votes. Like, why would he care?
Trump's advisors are reading that list and salivating.
Javier Milei's closest advisors are salivating because they're clones of the president's former dog Conan who died in 2017. According to Milei the ghost of Conan, named after Conan the Barbarian, advised Milei to become president during a conversation facilitated by a spirit medium.
Good luck Argentina. May the rest of us live in less interesting times.
... Oh damn you were not joking
Is there a Department of Women or is he just going to get rid of every woman in the country?
In case anyone is genuinely curious,_Genders_and_Diversity_(Argentina)
Link broken by formatting for me, this one works,Genders_and_Diversity_(Argentina)
No girls allowed!
As you can see, cootie infections have declined 63% under my administration.
In properly set democracy this should not be possible. President should not have that kind of power to affect other branches of power.
In general president should not have too much power at all, because it is stupid to have just one person to be able to cause so much change in general. Looking at you US.
Presidential offices and ministries are both part of the executive branch of governments, though. Ministries are primarily there to organize the executive's work, so while removing ministries will affect that, it won't affect the separation of powers (like, say, the removal of responsibilities from a court or a chamber of parliament would).
That absolutely doesn't mean that the power to create or disband ministries has to rest with the executive branch.
In fact, it can easily be argued that creating the framework in which the executive branch operates is the domain of the legislative branch - so the creation, merging, splitting or disbanding of ministries should also be a power of the legislative branch.
Or you could argue that it should be a power that should be shared between an administration and parliament, where an administration could introduce a motion to change ministries to parliament, and parliament would have to vote on it.
Lots of possibilities.
Bolsonaro eliminated the Labor minister first day of his government and made the economy minister absorb its functions. It's had to re-establish it quietly at half of his government because the economy minister couldn't keep with the job, but meanwhile slave labor on Brazil skyrocketed.
Proposed remaining ministries:
Ministry of Men
Ministry of Strong
Ministry of Beer and
Ministry of the paranormal
Ministry of animal cloning
Ministry of human organs harvesting
Going for the chupacabra vote, I see.
Ministry of Men
I mean that might make sense.
I know a few Argentinians and since I live in Chile I know a lot about what's going on there. They have a lot of useless ministers for almost everything, at this point the previous government could have easily added the 'ministry of non-important matters' Their state manages the education really bad, many Argentinians complain about that, all those things managed by the state work really bad and are fueled by taxes. I agree that Milei's ideas are crazy, but seeing the options in Argentina, he was the less bad option there.
Imagine a state sucking almost every currency from every citizen just to fuel useless state institutions. I hope Argentina will recover with this change.
I guess we are all about to find out how true that is.
As an Argentinian living abroad and having left the country for how unbearable it was, I can tell you it's true. I'm not saying some of those things aren't important, but Argentina's Government is like a crackhead. You give it some money and expenditure capabilities, and the next thing you know is at the shadiest dealer, buying as much of the worst stuff.
You need to cut the vicious cycle somewhere. Unfortunately for Argentina, that place is Welfare State.
posting this in c/boringdystopia is stupid
Uh, if you live in the United States, I've got some bad news for you in one year.
You're on crack if you think the fascists will actually give the libertarians what they want.
Department of Transport, so not even the trains will run on time.
Bold of you to assume they were running on time
Bolder of you to assume they ran at all
The only ministry they need is the ministry of stupidity. That'll be their national treasure.
He also wants to screw around with the Falklands again
Round 2? Let's go
Jokes aside, 907 people died which isn't really convenient
That's called dictatorship. Argentinian people are not new to it.
He's an anarcho-capitalist, he's going to sell off the assets, point to the short term gains as a success, them when the dust settles we'll find out he made three billion in bribes from selling their oil to American/Chinese companies.
Imho. They are not voting based on those facts. They voted for him because he said the things they want to hear. Nothing to do with the truth; you’re not being kept down by billionaires, it is those (wink) people….
No one who thought about it ever thought trump would build that wall and Mexico would pay for it; but people scared of MS-13 being active in their podunk town rallied around him for saying that
Argentinian here, they voted for him because they believe these ministries are overly burdened with corruption, meaning all the money gets embezzled and the ministries don't actually function. Massa, the opposing candidate, minister of economy had an 150% increase in inflation during his tenure. Lastly, they don't think it can get much worse so why not try something different
Also, especially in Argentina's case, because the other guys are literally the worst. ¹
¹ Except that this guy is somehow even more worst. But hey, at least it's new ² worst.
² It's not really new. Just the same old fascism ³, with a new shiny coat of paint. ⁴
³ Except somehow even more stupid and irrational than ever before.
⁴ It's not really paint. ⁵
⁵ Shit. It's shit. Brightly coloured shit, because of all the blood and other bodily fluids mixed in.
Argentina only has two modes, Fascism or Peron, no in-between.
He's not facist. He's libertarian two completely different modes of goverment one wants to disband the state the other wants complete and utter control and so wants to make the state into a one party state
What's the difference if the result is the same? The ravaging of society by unhinged capitalist hounds.
Eliminating: -Women
Argentina: No Girls Allowed
Wonder if he's redirecting it all to the army or some other sort of enforcer
I imagine just trying to cut government spending, since the Argentinian government has been printing money like no tomorrow. Their economy is in shambles and inflation is up like 400% or something.
This guy is an absolute nut job but after the establishment left and establishment right failed to fix anything, you can kind of see why he won by 11%.
I wonder wtf will happen and how this isn't the same as huge inflation considering hospitals, schools, police even the electricity and sewer guys aren't going to be working. Right?
amazing how this is the exact same bullshit US republicans have been saying for a few decades at least.
They should move to that Utopia.
Every right winger from Saudi Arabia, to France, to Argentina, to the US is the same. They are angry, scared and most of the time poorly educated.
They are usually people with shit jobs who are losing their shit jobs and retirement to the elite. They don't know how to deal with this except lash out against immigrants and minorities.
If they look to the left for help usually they'll be told they are stupid (like me here) and to stop trying to dominate others.
I don't really have a solution to all their manufacturing jobs being moved to China, but I know oppressing women and killing gays ain't it.
So they have two options. Vote left, which will do nothing to help them and most of the time won't even acknowledge there is a problem. Or vote right, which tells they their anger is justified and if they can just get rid of this one last minority group things will go back to being great like they used to be!
Uhh what is going on in Argentina? Firsr Steam switches to USD because of the currency being unstable, and now their prez is promising to nuke a bunch of govt deparements?
They are in perpetual crisis since forever. People are getting desperate and voting for anything that's not 'more of the same'.
Well, if they have been voting the same for two decades and everything has gone wrong, at least something different may change things,but they cannot be worse lol.
This is why you do not leave fascists alive once you've managed to get them out of power.
Sounds like he’s trying to recreate North Korea.
Pretty sure North Korea has equivalents to those ministries. Somalia is probably a closer approximation of where this is going.
sees fascist reactionary right-wing bullshit
"wow this is just like the socialist strawman I don't know anything about"
libs, man...
It is the 'socially-acceptable'' form of Racism. It is easy for White people to scapegoat third world countries on any matter because they are overdosed on their 'Western values' daily.
I'm taking the 3rd one as he doesn't want to get rid of women in the government, he wants to get rid of women in general.
That's pretty gay
imagine making a post based on a twitter screencap about something someone not living in argentina has no idea how it is here and exactly is the proposal and not knowing the current state of affairs of argentina in general an in particular the state of the public education
you are jumping to conclusions to that confirm your own uninformed (at best or ill informed at worst) bias
source? Soy argentino y vivo en CABA.
You are just the argentina version of the regular bolsonarista lmao.
you are using a logical fallacy, attacking me personally because you are unable to refute my statement
That's also the motivation between some of those stupid fake "Gen Z Can't Answer Simple Questions" videos.
If one is dumb enough, this might actually be an option...
As a teacher I approve whole heatedly!
He's a libertarian. So he wants to abolish the state. This is expected.that doesnt mean he wants to turn it into a dictatorship nor does it mean he is a big bad nazi facist far from it your free to read up on libertarianism ill post a wikipedia article in the comment below. He's also trying cut back on unnecessary government spending and get rid of goverment institutions. I personally just think milei might just be off his rockers as said he might be a good competent leader who knows hes only been in office for abouts a week if he isnt then i will eat my words woop de doo.
Libertarianism is essentially putting it as simply as I can is where a state or plot of land may split into little self governing microstates
Libertarianism will always quickly devolve into authoritarian corporatocracy. Basically they support the law of the jungle, i.e. the strong can do whatever they want to the weak. Which is textbook fascism.
Maybe. Maybe not I haven't done much research into libertarianism. So I haven't got a big opinion on it like most lemmy users I personally believe in welfare-captialism but unlike all most lemmy users im not like the other girls im special pumpkin spice latee
but I also hold some other beliefs such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly oh and Castle doctrine
No libertarian can be a good leader because they have no idea how governing works. Their whole thing is to let business do whatever the fuck they want
He's only been in office for a week... as said if he end's up fucking up shit even more I'll eat my words politicians go back on campaign promises all the time
He's not in office yet. He will be sworn in in December I believe.
Libertarianism is simply a scam trying to make the rich even richer. If there's no public education it will be substituted by private schools. People will pay more, rich people will get richer. The whole idea is basically rich people looking and public services and infrastructure and thinking "this could be way more profitable if I run it". Of course the point for public services is not to turn profit, it's to provide services to as many people as possible in a cost effective way.