Columbine vibes
Columbine vibes
Columbine vibes
Is that an actual tweet of his? Lol what a dork
According to and it's a real tweet lol
Such mall ninja vibes
What do large hairy gay men have to do with this?
I need evidence. This one is too much... I'll be back after I look around the internet.
Edit: Wow. Just wow. I just... What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Proof (warning, it's a Twitter link).
Holy cringe Batman
He's basically JP from Grandma's Boy.
You’re just jealous of his robot ears
Ever since I saw this photo I couldn’t take the dude seriously.
The utter irony
That must be a wig right?
It's a Halloween costume
Jesus fucking Christ on a bicycle what a fucking cringelord
peaks over graveyard fence
“where’s mark suckaturd? Oh yeh, you got scared of him and showed everyone that you’re full of shit”
I mean Facebook is kind of like a graveyard
This meme makes a good point, he's so fucking cringe.
I'm starting to think this musk character is dare I say it, a wanker
I'm positive
It helps to not be a loser right now. Elon is in his 50s and still acts like a childish, insecure douchebag. The fact that you are able to acknowledge your previous loserdom makes you already less lame than Elon. No amount of money can make him cool because he completely refuses to ever work on himself.
This was from Tuesday (the comment). A 52 year old man posted that, though I use the word "man" loosely here...
I think you might be in luck.
You'd be just fine if you remain a decent human being rather than becoming an egotistical and racist pile of garbage.
Also, Musk was born rich and basically bought his fame.
I'm his age and may or may not have some pics like that...
Hopefully from 40 years ago and not last week?
i'm starting too think being rich is symptom of a mental illness in many cases.
Every time I think Musk has written his stupidest Tweet he goes and proves me wrong. It's honestly impressive.
It was funny for a while, but I'd really like him to hit rock bottom. The guy has a lot of power, and this is really kinda worrying me now.
I know he's said a lot of idiotic shit lately but... seriously? He actually said this? Jesus Christ. He truly has reverted into a lonely 4Chan teen.
All billionaires are like this when you take away the PR.
Skilled with a katana due to extensive training in mother's basement
While you were partying, I studied the blade
Do we... do we call him Emon now?
DigEmon digital monster?
Nice one.
What the hell happened to that man?
My theory is too much blow and huffing his own farts to the point where his brain has turned to mush.
South Africa
Nothing. He was a scammer and an idiot who got lucky, and that is what he still is, only with more money.
He was fired for incompetence before, let that sink in
He has a sick, twisted piece of shit for a father and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I'm still waiting for Elmo Vs Zuck.
Elin back out because mommy said so.
Elmo already suffered enough with his mind of a child and getting bullied and gaslit by his "friends", he doesn't deserve having his name sullied by having it used to refer to Musk.
Bro, he literally transformed a company and social app in his personal edgy microblog called X
He technically was forced to buy it. He first wanted to buy it but then he didn't want it anymore after he saw how many bots there are instead of actual users afaik. There was no return in this dealership or smth.
Not quite right, he said he wanted to buy it but really just wanted to pump the stock to sell it. Then they started forcing him to buy it so he said there were too many undisclosed bots as an excuse. When that didn't work he was forced to buy it anyway.
[annoying JP voice] I hate your face.
My dream is to one day meet Jonah Hill so I can tell him, "I loved you in Grandma's Boy!"
I'm thinking about getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it.
Whoa whoa whoa nearly cut myself on that edge. Seriously, I cackled so hard I frightened the cat. NWBTCW bby.
Mallninja Musk.
Emo Musk
So if you have to be 13+ to even sign up for Twitter why would they let him be the CEO?
Most preteens are smarter than this twat.
The main difference is that this one has the money to do a much bigger Columbine.
Plus, he's got massive influence on his fanboys who worship his every move
If you gotta say it out loud, it probably isn't true.
He really would have done well as the lead in a fictional Michael Jackson biopic that's an alternate retelling of how his life took a turn in the mid/late 90s, when he discovers that he's actually in the Matrix and is the one. And instead of Annie, we're asking "Neo, are you okay? Are you o.k. ne-o? -- Sha-mona"
I like the way your brain works.
Man that would be a psychological thriller!
Where's his transphobia-ridden manifesto?
The prounons made me do it.
No, your honor, it wasn't me who did it! It was I.
Apparently some random African and Asian child slaves are also his enemies.
While you bought and drove electric cars, I studied the blade.
I hate Facebook but I'm so rooting for Zuckerberg
Right? Like he's definitely evil, but at least he's not a fucking shitgoblin constantly flinging his feces around in public.
I kinda wish these schmucks would spend their billions on Mechas and battle it out anime style.
It's an entirely pointless undertaking, but think about it - it would be an outlet for their sociopathic and narcissistic need to win; it would keep them relevant in headlines as they desire, yet far enough away from the political sphere; the news media gets their headlines; the people would get both work and entertainment out of it.
I want him to be the top crab in the bucket as I watch that bucket sail into the sun.
Team nobody here.
This is genuinely terrifying
Kind of, but if he's good at columbining as he is at everything else he'll cut off his own legs with his 700k tactical katana
It reads like what Trump said about locking up his rivals
Empty words from the mouth of a frightened little rat.
I'm actually trembling. I think I peed myself.
One more diaper added to the graveyard 😈
I can smell that photograph. Anyone got some oust handy?
Is it axe body spray? That's what I'm picturing
Much better than body spray...