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RuZZia is an attempt by libs to kickstart their own equivalent to Maoist Standard English/one-up the term AmeriKKKa and it just absolutely fucking blows, man

the term AmeriKKKa sweeps RuZZia any day of the week, any month of the year. RuZZia is just so fucking nothing at all.

  • Don't Russians already use Z themselves as a battlefield identification?

    The reason Americkkka works is because it invokes something they're (coinflip) ashamed of. Why would a Russian be ashamed of some friend/foe marking on their trucks?

    • They literally don't know that and think Z is a fascist symbol because liberalism I guess

      I don't know how the masses brains work anymore and where they're making this shit up from

  • Seriously, i could never really get how they use it as some kind of insult. The hell is going on in their heads? Z is literally official symbol for this war you claim to hate so much? Saying that make it sound like the whole country somehow fully and inherently supports it? That's exactly what le evil authoritarian stalinist dictator pootin would want? Fucking ridiculous.

    • The huge majority of Russians do support the war and that's a great thing because they're repelling the NATO encroachment

      Any criticisms about Russia and Russians, just ask, would these have been said the same about Iraq or Afghanistan? Both of these states are also capitalist and have even worse social equality than Russia yet people never get so hand wringy about supporting their anti-imperialism unlike Russia

      Are the criticisms about Russia actually valid from a materialist Leninist standpoint or is it just a Christian influenced upbringing that makes people inherently view the weak as the underdog (Iraq, Afghanistan) as more morally pure and the big, strong, and mighty (Russia) as evil

      It's good that Russia is actually powerful enough to win against NATO and that fact should be celebrated, not shamed

    • My own take is that there are ruzzians (pro-SMO, happy for russia to invade and occupy a sovereign country, attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure, and happy to excuse war-crimes when convenient for them) and normal russians, a mostly apolitical & apathetic bunch of people who try to keep their head down, some of which vote with their feet, and a few stand-up folks who will call a spade a spade publicly. No real surprises & pretty typical population make-up, in other words.

      Personally, I don't think russia deserves to wear a "great power" party hat. It's the wrong horse to bet on for a chance of a better world.

      • [laughs in Operation Aerodynamic]

      • Foreigners are bad for fighting back against our attempts to destroy their economy and country after already succeeding once before just a few decades ago

        They're only good when they're apolitical because they completely ignore our attempts to destroy their lives for our profit