words search
words search
I got goblin warlock
EDIT: I am making all the characters in DALLE until I run out of boosts
Sorry guys, I'm out. It was a lot of fun!
words search
I got goblin warlock
EDIT: I am making all the characters in DALLE until I run out of boosts
Sorry guys, I'm out. It was a lot of fun!
Warforged Dad.
I think that's just Kratos.
Goblin Cleric. Certainly an interesting combo. Konzi-esque, perhaps?
Got the same
Paladin Fairy?
"I AM DEVOUT TO MY GOD!" Gets flicked across the room
Halfling Bard
I read "Leon in Halforc“ and now I’m scaroused. Never thought the campaign would end for me that way.
Orc Ranger
Barbarian Lizard... Hell yeah 😎
And here I was thinking of Earl Sinclair
Idk anything about dnd. Am I a dinosaur?
Loxodon are humanoid elephants.
Goblin warlock
I'm an Ogre Wizard apparently.
Shrek Potter
Would you take the Nimbus2000 or Donkey? Choose wisely. (Not wisely himself, but rather the act of choosing should involve thinking)
Kobold wizard
Fairy cleric. There's an inappropriate joke in there somewhere.
I would convert
Leonin ranger
Goblin Paladin. Took me way too long to find a class!
Not the OP, but here's a
Centaur Cleric?
My centaurs always come out 9 kinds of fucked with AI
And when I speficy it has a human head
Triton Artificer, sounds dope, let's go! I'd definitely play this
Bing's images aren't stored forever, you need to save them and upload them to some other location for a permanent link.
Goblin Cleric... Shit
Isn't there a comic about that or something? Lol
What is a Dad Cleric?
Your spells are dadisms
"Walk it off" - cure light wounds
"If I told you once I told you a thousand times..." - command
"Great job, kiddo" - bless
"What you're gonna wanna do is..." - guidance
You get the idea
Oh I'm here for this.
"They don't make them like they used to. " -mending
"I know a guy..." -commune
"Not under my roof..." -banishment
"You call that music? This is music!" -toll the dead
"You see the game last weekend?" -fast friends
"He's not sleeping. He's just resting his eyes..." - gentle repose
"Where'd you have it last?" -locate object
"You know I was quite the athlete when I was your age..." -freedom of movement
Hey, Dungeons and Daddies, are you reading this gold?
Angel Artificer