The democrat's utopia is extremely recognizable oof
do posadist utopia next
Girl, are you a posadist utopia? Because your explosive mood swings and ikea dolphin collection really make me think you are out of this world.
Girl are you a posadist utopia because it's easier to imagine aliens handing you to me than working up the courage to ask you out
Girl are you a posadist utopia because you are so dolFINE and I wanna explore heavenly bodies with you.
That anarchist line would 100% work on me
You like being called a girl?
My cooking is so good a relative said I would make a wonderful wife someday!
I was dating an anarchist but instead of fucking me he'd just sit on the edge of the bed going on and on about how great'd be when we finally came together
shakily raising my hand in salute, tears streaming down my face
U-uncritical support for our champion volcel anarchist comrade!
Me too but I'm easy
Girl are you a Fruitopia because my last chance at having you was like 20 years ago
Still in Canada
Girl, are you a Trotskyist utopia because all I will ever do to get you is write random shit nobody cares about.
Marxist's utopia