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  • Removing Netanyahoo will make the prophecy of a better society a reality

  • Basically he means the coming of the Messiah which is funny because

    Christians and Muslims believe the anti christ will show up pretending to be the Messiah and lead the Jews astray


    In a death that resembles that attributed to Isaiah in Lives of the Prophets, Muslim exegesis recounts that Isaiah was martyred by Israelites by being sawn in two

    There's so much religious irony in this statement, I'm sure anyone could find more examples of comedy lol

  • crazy how people are finally paying attention to Netanyahu now but I still remember him as fuckin donkey who can't form a government to save his life. nobody liked him before this, let's try to remember that...

  • Half of the Gaza strips population are kids under 15, this cunt deserve a slow torturous fucking death for what he's done.

    If this fuck knuckle had an ounce of human decency, he could of simply annexed the Gaza strip to Egypt. Theyre at least tolerant of both Christians and Muslims.