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Revealed: UK military has flown 200 spy missions over Gaza in support of Israel

    Gee, I wonder what this site is. Let's just search for "Ukraine" and see what we get:

    Polish minister ‘saw UK special forces operating in Ukraine’

    Contamination fears after Ukraine loses British tank

    Cluster bombs for Ukraine? A warning from Kosovo

    UK military figures warn ministers about Ukraine

    British warmongering is driving Europe towards catastrophe in Ukraine

    Revealed: Russian neo-Nazi leader obtained UK missiles in Ukraine

    Pro-ISIS fighter in Ukraine received UK missiles and ‘SAS training’

    Oh, it's a Kremlin propaganda outlet. Thanks for sharing.

  • Bird flu outbreak in dairy cows fails to deter US raw milk sellers
  • [People who are bad at risk assessment are bad at risk assessment.]

  • Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • Trump is just as pro-Israel as Biden

    While Trump is also straight-up anti-Muslim and loves Netanyahu.

  • Deleted
    *deleted by creator*
  • It's a publicly traded company; no competent person would buy in at the absurdly overinflated stock price that exists now. Because a competent person would recognize that Tesla having a market cap over 50% higher than Toyota's is completely fucked and there is no way in hell anyone could make Tesla actually worth what it's trading at. A competent person would also recognize that Tesla's ridiculous valuation is because of the shameless lies of hype merchant and snake oil salesman Elon Musk who, if you purchase the company from him, will no longer be around to trick sad losers into believing his laughable promises about self-driving, or robots, or AI, or whatever the hype cycle brings next.

  • China unveils video of its moon base plans, which weirdly includes a NASA space shuttle
  • The only reason Elon Musk is not the world champion of ridiculous vaporware promises with laughable timelines is because the Chinese government exists.

  • After Ukraine Aid Vote, Republicans Braced for Backlash Find Little
  • [Terminally online politicians think the pro-Russia/anti-Ukraine bots and shills are actually real people in America.]

  • Fox News takes down Hunter Biden ‘mock trial’ miniseries after lawsuit threat
  • Yeah, they've already been showing the defamatory content for two years now. This doesn't get them off the hook, it just mitigates further damages moving forward.

  • Meta spent $4.3 billion on its VR division in three months, and made *checks figures* $440 million in return
  • You're not really talking about higher taxes, you're talking about reworking the corporate tax system. As things stand now higher taxes would encourage more of this sort of behavior, not less.

    Corporations only pay taxes on profits, so money spent on business activities, re-invested back into the company, paid to employees, etc. is not taxed. In this system, taxes are kind of a penalty paid for taking money out of the business; the higher taxes are the less incentivized profit-taking is.

    If your company made $100 million in profits at a 20% tax rate you get to take home $80 million as opposed to re-investing $100 million back in the company and not paying any taxes, so the incentive to re-invest isn't very high. But if your company made $100 million in profits at a 40% tax rate now you can only take home $60 million as opposed to re-investing $100 million, which becomes a much better value proposition on re-investment.

  • ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say
  • [If we can't swamp Americans with CCP produced propaganda then there's no point in even site even existing]

  • Biden signs Ukraine aid, TikTok ban bills after Republican battle
  • But to be clear, because the media never is these days, the $26.3B "Israel" aid package contains: $13B for the US' own defense activities in the region (like protecting international shipping from terrorists) and replenishment of US stockpiles, $9.2B for humanitarian aid for Gazans, and $3.6B in security assistance for Israel (which is almost exclusively for Iron Dome missile replacement and further development of the Iron Beam system) with the additional $600M being 'general expenses'

  • Takeaways from AP report on how the search for the coronavirus origins turned toxic
  • It's not a biological warfare lab, it's a research lab and having a coronavirus research lab in the place where coronaviruses originate is the most obvious fucking thing in the world.

    I imagine you must think all of the earthquake research labs in California cause earthquakes. And Japan's tsunami research labs cause tsunamis. And the Ebola research labs in Africa cause Ebola.

  • The referee ‘made a mistake’… Daniel Cormier and Ben Askren debate UFC 300 main event stoppage
  • [Hill should have been advantaged by using an illegal strike and allowed more space to get his back of the cage] is certainly a take.

    Backup up against the cage without a safe way out? Kick your opponent is his balls and the ref will be required to give you space (according to some dumb-ass non-rule that Hill and DC made the fuck up)!

  • All New Atlas | Boston Dynamics
  • They're not specific about that but I would guess not:

    They say it'll be stronger and have a broader range of motion but I would suspect that using electric motors rather than hydraulics means the more explosive leaping and acrobatics are out. The old Atlas was just a test platform but this seems to be intended as an actual product.

  • So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post
  • It's completely absurd that he's saying this as an anti-bot measure. The bots exist because they generate revenue for the scumbags behind them, a small fee is just going to be part of doing business for them. He's not trying to stop bots, he's trying to monetize them and use them as an excuse to charge everyone. "The bot problem" will never be fixed and will be used as an excuse for every anti-user measure they put forward.

  • So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post
  • The people running the bots will pay because they'll still be getting an ROI. And once the people running the bots become Musk's most important revenue stream, his most important customers, what do you think that's going to mean for regular users' experiences?

  • Breaking the law for real
  • If the right lane is free, your ass is supposed to be in it. Reasons to be in the left lane include: You are passing someone; you are allowing people to enter from a ramp; you are giving space to a pulled-over car. You're not supposed to be there because you like the vibe over there, you're not supposed to be there just because you're speeding, you're supposed to be there for passing, safety, or giving space for merging and that's pretty much it. Stop fucking up the flow of traffic.

  • Heresy_generator Heresy_generator
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