Vampire Survivors: We just hit +200,000 positive reviews on Steam
Vampire Survivors: We just hit +200,000 positive reviews on Steam
Vampire Survivors: We just hit +200,000 positive reviews on Steam
That dude with 800 hours saying it's OK lol
This game is a solid 10. Really addictive and balanced. Very well done.
Help me understand it. I enjoyed it a while until I discovered the combination you need to chase to consistently get good results. Getting anything else felt like a waste of time and chasing the same build quickly became dull.
What am I missing? I'm glad for its success and that others are enjoying it and would like to get it as well.
Really addictive
Like heroin. Wouldn't give that 10/10 either. The game is made by someone with background in making gambling games and it shows. It has all the mechanics of predatory mobile games, the sole thing in its favor is that those mechanics are not monetized.
Imo, it's not balanced at all. And I love that
Came here from All.
On my phone the linebreak in the title was after the “positive” and I seriously braced myself for a vampire pandemic.
We just hit +200,000 positive reports of vampire attacks in the greater London area, rising to 800,000 across all of England. The world is in turmoil, and we can only pray that as night falls in the Americas the casualties don't rise too high
If you use the 30:1, sales to reviews ratio for highly positively rated games they've sold 6 million units.
I played it til I started hallucinating at night
That's it? But there's 3 million steam decks sold. There should be at least that many reviews.
Do you really think that everyone who plays a game leaves a review for it?
It's just a joke. One I suppose for just people interested in the SD. Vamp Survivors spent ages at or around the top of the most played games list on the SD, so it seemed like everyone who owned one was playing Vamp.
Shit. I forgot to review. BRB.
Added one to the positivity pile. This game is a brilliant pick up and play game that is very undervalued for the content it contains.
I liked it but after a few sessions it quickly became boring. How did you keep it interesting?
I'm guessing you haven't played it enough. It changes and evolves in some interesting ways as you play it. I don't want to spoil it, but if you've only played "a few sessions", you probably are at the tip of the iceberg.
There's not unlimited replayability or anything, but there's a lot more to it than a guy and a whip hitting a bats.
I can see why the game is really good I got the game on my phone and tend to play it every so often its really fun I tend to have a whale of a time
I bought this game because it was so cheap and had good reviews but I really don’t get the hype. I got maybe 2 hours playtime before realizing it wasn’t for me
At least it was cheap
Yeah I mean it’s a better value than a six pack at least lmao. I’m just not into roguelikes or whatever the fuck this genre is called
I think it took me a little longer than 2 hours to really start to get the hang of how to build good stuff. The more I played the more fun I had
I’ve tried similar games I’m just not into the genre I guess. I gave Hades a chance for much longer due to its critical acclaim and I did not enjoy it. I get that there’s a progression, and I don’t even play games for the story, but I expect a little more than the same gameplay loop over and over again just with upgrades
That's my only complaint about Vampire Survivor. The surface is boring. I churned out twice, thinking "I don't get what people see in this". Then I watched a Let's Play and said "that's not the game I played".
So I went back to it, spent several hours wondering if I was just wasting my time... and then then suddenly it clicked and now I'm almost at 100 hours played.
Have you found any unique items? Unlocked any maps? Evolved anything? IMO, the game begins with Tarot, peaks with the first applause (spoiler free hint that VS fans will recognize).