Society of cucks
Society of cucks
Society of cucks
"Blocking Traffic" pretty much the same as "Rioting".
I'm sorry, but the carbrain is terminal, there's nothing we can do.
Live, eat, sleep, die in the pod car
Well there's one thing we can do
This one really gets me. Had an arguement with a irl lib friend during the George Floyd protests. They were like, "they need to be peaceful like MLK, not blocking traffic." MLK blocked traffic!!! What are you talking about!!!
No you see selma bridge was a foot bridge with no car traffic!
It's disgusting how the history of the Civil Rights movement has been twisted, sanitized, and re-written.
I find it funnier that some people think blocking traffic is more acceptable than burning a flag. Blocking traffic is at least a major inconvenience, burning a flag literally doesn't affect you in any way.
Noooooooo burning the flag will make the founding slaveowners and white jesus sad noooooooooooooooo
Also if youre someone who cares about the flag, there are instances where you're supposed to burn it like you're not supposed to ever throw it out so burning is how you dispose of them
Also I think it if touches the ground you're supposed burn it???
Car brained freaks
You're just fucking over people who work for hourly wages and/or have childcare issues. People who otherwise might be sympathetic to your cause.
It's the stupidest form of protest there is. Maybe it would be fine in a country with a better social safety net, but in the US it impacts poor working people the most, while wealthier people can just work remotely or stay home and still earn their salary.
Meanwhile some single mom is being blocked from picking her kid up from school.
blocking traffic is the #3 worst thing anyone can possibly do
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🫡 🫡 🫡 🫡 🫡 🫡 🫡
to be fair, almost everything on this list is extraordinarily tame and nonthreatening to power
That's why it's on the list at all. Limit the definition of political action to the most inert things and relegate everything else to obscurity. Make change or the actions required for a better world unthinkable.
The Canadian gov sure thought blocking traffic was a crime against humanity lol (stopping emergency services is kind of a big deal though)
In a trial brought against the crown from the trucker convoy, (finance minister) Chrystia Freeland's main defence was along the lines of "international banking sectors wouldn't do business with us until we had control of our supply chain"
Send in the horses!
people do really think this way. I was incredibly close to getting ran over by a fascist in a truck at one of the George Floyd uprising protests in my city and I had several liberal ex-friends tell me it was my fault for blocking the road.
people need to be blocking traffic for shits and gigs. Just walking to the grocery store and take your sweet time in the cross walk. The public space should be for people
Also, cyclists need to take the entire lane instead of unsafely riding on the edge of the road.
I walk the same pace on the crosswalk as the sidewalk and I swear most drivers you're in the way of expect you to fucking run. Always slightly inching past the line to show their impatience, as if they're not getting around 20x faster than me either way, and I don't have to wait just as long as them til I get my right of way
Saw someone drive out of their way specifically to drive through protesters and people went crazy to defend the person that drove through others
I'd love to see this stacked up with an identical poll except instead of asking what is acceptable or not, ask what is effective or not. I don't think even libs are dumb enough to think any of the acceptable things are actually effective. It'd be a real telling chart.
counterpoint: yes they are that dumb. they keep telling us to VOTE despite the fact that the people they want us to vote for can't do anything.
I mean, during the peak of the BLM movement literally every lib I knew was saying "violence doesn't accomplish anything, peaceful protests and civil disobedience is the only way you win support!"
civil disobedience
If there was any organized, serious attempt at a civil disobedience campaign they would hate that too. They only like civil disobedience that happened in the past.
Can we pay some company to do polling for us? and at the end can we show them PPB?
I've talked to so many libs who think that nonviolent protest and calling your congressman are the only things that have literally ever caused changed
i want to meet with the 5% that think creating a petition is "unacceptable"
It’s me, because killing a politician is much more acceptable.
Maybe they think that doing anything but
is undemocratic/undermines institutions or something.Or maybe they're an ancap and think that the only way is to shoot a mctactical nuke into the privatized former public service.
or a weirdo postmodernist "actually petitions legitimize the state by creating a discourse that implies they listen to the citizens which makes them an oppressive form of biopower."
If you start a petition I will hide your keys
Annoying as fuck and twice as pointless.
Petitions should be illegal
i think creating a petition is an unacceptable waste of organizing effort
See also:
36% of Americans support US airstrikes that explicitly kill civilians
51% of Americans support ICE raids against illegal immigrants
52% of Americans support US strikes in Mexico to fight the cartel
53% of Americans support stand your ground laws
55% of Americans support the death penalty
58% of Americans support drone strikes in general
65% of Americans have a favorable view of the CIA
82% of Americans oppose defunding the police
94% of Americans support the troops
Real pacifist crowds you got there
Don't we support the death penalty? Surely Elon isn't just getting prison
I would support violence in the revolution that's inevitable and necessary for the revolution to succeed (in minecraft). But hell no I do not support literal murder as a part of a justice system, I'd hope most of us aren't that bloodthirsty and retributive
Lock Elon and every other ghoul up, their torture can be spending the rest of their days seeing the world change
Once the revolution is over you switch from Louis XVI to Puyi. Truth and Reconciliation is essential to creating a Socialist society and reducing any reactionary fifth colum
Humour and (justified)hate inspired outcomes aside I think the most common hexbear view on what should be done with people like Elon is what the CPC did with emperor Puyi rather than Romanov them
Justice systems shouldn't be about revenge, it should be about reformation. That's contingent on the stability of a revolution, ofc. Some reactionary hardline militants might simply be too much of a risk to keep around before a governing body could really find its feet.
They forgot to mention the most effective type of protest:
One man, one
I was reading up on the guy that merked Rabin back in the day, and it really sounds like he got everything he wanted. He was a right wing ethnonationalist religious fanatic that scared other religious fanatics, and now guys who broadly agere with is values run Israel.
"Feel free to protest, just not in a way that makes my life more difficult. Or in my line of sight. Or on TV. In fact, protest somewhere over there where no one can see or hear you. That's always enacted change!"
I don’t see guillotine the rich on this survey.
we found the one good lemmee user folks
burning an American flag
It's my flag I'll do what I want
occupying public spaces
human domestication is real its just normal neoliberal privatization
That was me. I used to be really into petition signing. Never did anything. Never got a follow up saying anything worked. The stuff I looked up myself failed. Never again. Miss me with that nerd shit. Unacceptable.
Same here, Petitions do nothing at all, in the best case or in the worst are used to data mine all your information, so I no longer waste my ink on them
first you make a petition
then they laugh at you
then you lose
Me too. We should start a petition and draw them out.
In short, they're pointless, make people less likely to actually protest, and adding your name to a list is a horrible idea.
Yea I’m a free speech absolutist (checking always acceptable to everything)
The 3% that say rioting is always acceptable and the 2.5% that creating a petition is always unacceptable. lol
The 3% that say rioting is always acceptable
Communist revolution is always acceptable, checkmate
It me
i think rioting is cool and fun and is always acceptable but creating a petition is nerd shit and is always unacceptable
This shit is how I know the US is already a fascist state
It's all acceptable as soon as you're sufficiently mad.
Rioting is fine, if you're waving a flag and fighting the Deep State.
Blocking traffic is cool if you're protesting mask mandates.
Defacing property is fine, if its the property of some stupid stoner liberal fifth columnist black lives matter
This is an extremally poorly done poll I wouldn't draw any conclusions from it lol.
If it makes y'all feel any better this was a really poorly administered and unscientific poll.
Sample size of 1000, based on people who responded to an e-mail, more than half of the respondents were over 45, more people over 65 than under 30. (Also apparently more Trump voters than Biden voters?)
I do think this is SOMEWHAT representative of the American mind but keep this shit in mind as well.
Yea YouGov poll sampling is never good
1000 is a very good size though
There's a calculator and some math here if you wanna learn more. Statistics is really weird and unintuitive
Ah ok, well, the other criticisms stand I guess.
I dont think a better administered poll would have results that were more than marginally better tbh but still.
I really want to meet someone who thinks that signing a petition is dangerous extremism (actually maybe I don't)
I consider petitions to be an unacceptable form of protest.
Thanks YouGov! An ordered list of tactics from least to most effective
Judging by the graph maybe 5-10% of the US are OK people.
potty-trained libs
Most people are into protests
They say they aren’t until the protest starts
They say they aren’t until
the protest starts
it's for something they care about. Like books, or drag queens, or masks.
I think they're super into protests when you can take pictures at them to post on social media for clout but the minute they even slightly threaten the power structure, they become nazis.
ie, we only support forms of protest that have never achieved anything in all of history
"Burning an amerikan flag" at #4 and "blocking traffic" at #3 really says it all.
Deeply diseased country.
Boycotting products....
except BDS
I did a survey too. It's just this survey but replace the word "unacceptable" with "most effective"
I wonder what happened when Palestinians marched for long distances?
Also it's telling that the language is measured in terms of acceptability. It's so vague and doesn't tell anything about what should be done for the unacceptable actions.
I'd be curious in a grim sort of way how this survey would turn out if the respondents were asked what level of force is a legitimate response for such actions.
They wouldn't, because putting these sorts of questions in material terms would reveal more than they'd like. I want them to say outright if they think state murder is an acceptable response to any of these forms of protest.
Sorry you know this poll is BS because I do not believe only like 7% of people thinking rioting is ok.
7% of the US working population is like 10 million people.
"Marginalized people fighting back against the violence of their oppressors is pearl clutchingly unacceptable"
"State sanctioned violence by the oppressor is cool and good because it's legal and doesn't disrupt anything or make me uncomfortable. Support our troops and maintain the police state!"
Twisted ass people that don't know their own history
Twisted ass people that don't know their own history
death cultist slave rapists who cry about paying the lowest tax rates of any of Britain's colonies lol
True I'm mainly referring to positive social change tho. Like women's suffrage, end of chattel slavery, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights; all achievements largely brought about through violence
Well well well, looks like Americans are a bunch of authoritarians
If anyone tries to give you shit about "reasonable forms of protest", look how literally the same percentage approve of either defacing property ot rioting, and scarcely any more approve of blocking traffic.
These fuckers are to the right of actual Enightenment figures in American history.
There are a lot of rules in the flag code
And so many that get ignored when inconvenient.
Like flags on clothes are okay just because they aren't flag material
I also think you aren't supposed to wear the flag as clothing or use the pattern in advertising, but I haven't read it and neither have 99% of americans so idk
Sorted in order of getting shit done.
Why isn't assassination of public officials on the last?
Some mfs think that even creating a petition is always unacceptable.
Maybe that's the guys who realize that has never solved anything
Still, unacceptable implies it is too much, not too little.
Some people just want to see your statistics burn.
Get creative.
Do the things that are viewed as acceptable to such a degree that the regime is forced to respond with force. Then do the violence in self defence, have a team prepared for it in advance as well. The Chilean Primera Línea method.
That’s really the solution in liberal institutions
It's the only way that escalations will be accepted by liberals. The blame needs to be plainly and clearly on the state for the escalation, that's just how it needs to be.
I really think we have to adapt to this, accept that we're not going to be able to change the conditions so that people accept direct action or violence and instead adapt to the conditions. If we want the violence then we need to force the opposing side to react in a way that makes our response acceptable to liberals. Then we will get significantly more popular support.
Considering they questioned USA adults, the redder the results it is the better the effect.
Also, I'm surprised "refusing to pay taxes" isn't super popular lmao
Defacing property as the second worst and "rioting" (i.e. breaking and stealing shit, in their minds) as the worst really show how cucked we are to capital.
The worst possible thing they can imagine is gasp property damage.
Carbrain as number three makes sense too.
This is beyond cuckholdry. At least cucks have a marriage. This is just complete submission to the dominant civil religion of the United States.
I'm curious about the 14 % of people of people who think it is "usually unacceptable" to burn the American flag. So it's almost never ok, but they are picturing some edge case in their heads where it is suddenly time to burn the American flag. I want to know what it is!
when drumpf gets elected
Exactly how cool or uncool is the protest? That's literally all that matters. The cooler the protest the more is permissible.
Same objection as the "authoritarian axis" on political compasses. Are you using your authority to be cool or uncool? Where's that axis?
Creating a petition only has 87% support what the fuck? People writing their names on a piece of paper?
Creating a petition only has 87% support what the fuck? People writing their names on a piece of paper?
If I were polled I'd say it's unacceptable because it's meaningless bullshit that libs do instead of actual forms of protest.
The ~8% that finds rioting acceptable probably overlaps heavily with the ~4% that finds petitions unacceptable.
Also willingly adding your name to a list of people who oppose their government's policies that will then be given to said government sounds like a horrible idea.
You're right of course from an organization perspective but I don't think that's the spirit of the question.
marching is acceptable, but only if it magically doesn't effect traffic? what are these people on
If I'm reading this correctly, it seems like
inflects around Hunger Strike. It's a great song, but I don't see what it has to do with protests.Americans love personal freedom but think it's wrong to choose to stop eating.
joker was right
I find it funny that picketing is okay when it's one of the most economically destructive on the list. Like, I've ruined small buisness owners with that shit.
usians are the most propagandized people on earth
lol @ burning the flag
This graph assume Americans have thier own opinions. When in reality most Americans run solely off of outrage porn in two different flavors. The only reason they hate defacing property is "their news" told them "violent rioters bad"
The average American knows so little of their own history they don't know about the whisky rebellion. Much less of the struggles of commies in the 1920s-1930s.
no more half measures walter
Truly nothing is going to get better until the US is......
Blocking traffic being more unacceptable then burning the flag or disrupting events
America really is pathetic
cars are a sacred treat and tantamount to freedom to the lib brain
So... everything that would enable the poors to actually effect change.