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  • ITT: people advocating eugenics on themselves. I hate it. I hate seeing it. And stuff like this is psychologically destructive to read for me.

    If people here don't like others with similar traits to them advocating that their life and perspective is not valuable and that they should hate it and wish no-one new experience it, I recommend avoiding this thread - even moreso if you have suicidal tendencies. It was very upsetting for me ;-;, even though I personally have no intent to have kids.

  • As someone on the spectrum its ridiculous to say there life ruined first off its a spectrum so who knows how server there condition is and they can learn to live with help

  • "Now you have ruined three lives forever"


    • The sad thing is there's tons of autistic people on that sub that geniuely think like that about themselves. One of my worst experiences posting was interacting with that place and getting another autistic person talking about how they wish to die, how they wanted to be hate crime'd and literally talked about offing themselves just to spite me. That person blocked me so I have no idea what they are up to these days. This was nearly a year ago and there's a good chance they've taken their life since then.

      I fucking hate r/antinatalism. Its 100% should be banned. Its literally just severely depressed people talking themselves deeper into depression.

      • I'm a long time.lurker there before leaving reddit for good. I've seen most of the posts for years.

        Antinatalism is not a depression cult, though it does attract that type but more of a "we see life as a net negative experience and it isn't our right to inflict it on others".

        It's why they're so pro adoption since those kids are already born so the damage has been done. I don't think those people are depressed or suicidal.

        I'm 40 so I've been around. Ever since middle school I knew I love my theoretical kids too much to have them born into this world. So far, there hasn't been any kind of evidence or experience I had to change my mind. I'm a wage slave. My "kids" would be wage slaves. They might have to fight in resource wars when climate change or rise of Nazis start really ramping up. I don't want them to have a worse life than me and I cannot provide or promise one. I don't think there ever was a time in history where procreation was a good idea.

        You can do everything right and still get a rocket dropped on your home. Your kids can still become target practice for the next psycho at school. Hell, your kids could become the psychos! Every evil person that exists or has has been someone's "beautiful baby".

        To me this comes off as gambling. You are gambling that you will have a bright, kind, Neurotypical kid that will grow up to be great and spread happiness and what not.

        Thing I don't get is why people find Antinatalist philosophy so goddamn triggering. We can't change your mind you are going to do whatever the fuck you want. So many hateful responses to it when you can just walk away. Why?

        And as far as the OG post, if you are autistic, know that autism is hereditary and still have kids in spite of all that, that's an evil sadistic act! How can you hate your theoretical kids so damn much? I feel sorry for them, but fuck the mother.

    • It's true though. Living with autism is like choosing the Nightmare difficulty option in life.

      Source: me

      • Look here, Mario. You are speaking for exactly one (1) person. Your personal experience of autism is not universal. Some of us just have better circumstances. Some of us are spiteful bitches who live for the difficulty. My point being, some of us actually like being alive, and are okay with being autists.

      • I politely disagree.

        Autism can* be terrible, just as autism can also allow to have a great life.

        So no, is not a true but a loose may.

  • I really hate those guys, is ok you don't want kids, don't push it on everyone else.

    We have to fix the world one way or another and thruth be told, I think that being so bleak helps nobody.

  • Now you have ruined three lives forever

    Yeah this is the point where I'm really glad other people having kids is not his decision to make. I'm high-functioning enough to pass for neurotypical, but my sense of injustice at this is amped beyond deep-fat-fry, on to 'hot as the sun at its core'

  • WTF are they talking about? I've known lots of autistic people who lead very normal lives... I suspect the person who wrote this "rant" is either an edgy teenager or a basement dwelling neckbeard who believed himself capable of "curing" one of his lesbian friends

  • I am difficult at times. So are you people. But I found love and so did or will you too (yes, even you Steffan). The point I’m trying to make is: It doesn’t matter how broken we are, we are more human than this hate filled person ever will be.

  • Always amused me to see people posting that shit and then later posting about the Paradox of Tolerance.

    Apparently fascists should be lined up against the wall and the autistic kids should be right next to them. If those people got their wish ALL Neuro-Divergent children would cease to exist. "You will be born PURE or you will not be born at all!" seems to be their motto.

  • It's ironic that the creator of evolution (Charlie Darwie), what I assume the foundational theory of their community, is considered to have been autistic.