Racism in Germany is the norm not the exception – DW – 03/23/2025
Racism in Germany is the norm not the exception – DW – 03/23/2025

Racism in Germany is the norm not the exception – DW – 03/23/2025

Racism in Germany is the norm not the exception – DW – 03/23/2025
Racism in Germany is the norm not the exception – DW – 03/23/2025
This upsets me deeply. I'm German and I really don't care where people come from or how they look. Sure there are some prejudices in my mind, but I actively fight against them, because we're all just humans.
My partner comes from a South Asian country and I just see her as a bit more tanned than me, who is more pale. I genuinely don't understand the concept of skin colours and I'm regularly confused by it, believe it or not.
I'm sorry for everyone who is confronted with racism etc. I deeply hope that some day we overcome these arbitrary things that divide us.
Wtf is that date format
United America States format
As a german citizen with an immigrant background from Eastern Europe, I can confirm this. It's bad enough for a white looking, german passing eastern european. My friends from the Middle East or Africa have had a much, much worse experience than I ever will. Hell, I was walking down the street with my black friend once and some guys in their early twenties decided it'd be funny to scream the N word at us out of their car while also telling us to "go back where we came from".
Or another interesting story, I was at McDonalds the day right after the Hamas attack on Israel happened. Apparently the cashier thought it'd be acceptable to tell the muslim woman (that was obviously just a student or a tourist coming from abroad cause she had a huge suitcase with her with those airline tags on it) in front of me that she should learn german or don't come here, then said shit like "only thing you muslims know to do is behead people" and gestured with his hand at his neck the movement of cutting someone's head off. I was the only one to intervene and tell him it's not okay. All the pasty ass german boomers behind me just stayed in line and waited for their shitty burgers to arrive, literally no words of condemnation.
As an American I'm sometimes caught off guard by European racism. Ethno-nationalism makes zero sense here - everyone's an immigrant, except for the massively opressed indigenous Indians. I can see how it could make a kind of sense in a country that's had one ethic group for centuries, but given his many wars and how much migration has happened over the last 1,000 years in Europe such attitudes can be dubious in places. Even still, it's stupid, denying the humanity of people who are just trying to get by like everyone else.
The way people are racist is somewhat different, sure to different cultures and histories. I wonder how much American racism y'all have imported; we have rather different histories with different ethnicities than y'all have. Even different parts of America have different kinds and degrees of racism from each other. It's a big fucking country.
It cracks me up how white people in usa and europe both think that europe is a post-racial utopia instead of an extremely racist colonial empire.
Can you tell me some areas in the world that are more multi-cultural and less racist than western Europe?
For example, Singaporeans are wilding about Indians coming to their country for economic reasons. Working day and night, outcompeting locals. Bringing in more Indians.
I've been outside of Europe, you know what I saw? A lot of mono cultures such as Europe in the 1900s.
You are right, it's true everywhere. It's human nature to be wary of people you don't understand. But, for some things, you'd expect countries that are a lot further ahead in progressivism to be "nicer", especially since, you know, they industrialised and became richer on the backs of poorer countries.
Though I suppose that's very difficult to quantitatively measure exactly - how progressive someone is (on the scale of a country). How more accepting they are than other countries.
But there's also room for letting people air out their issues without being told that "everyone is like this, stop whining". That's literally what the Russian goverment does, they implicitly tell their populace that democracy doesn't work and that this is the best deal they'll ever get.
Article talking about racism in Germany.
You : But ppl are racist everywhere!!!
Apparently no one can complain about anything because it's bad everywhere. Guess I should just get use to being called the N-word in Germany because Singaporeans don't like Indians
It is incredibly easy to pick out the Germans on Lemmy. After two back and forths they start screaming racist stuff about brown people.
A lot of words to defend bigotry. The human species can be a lot of awful things if we look to our worst nature. Our major advantage as a species is that we evolve faster culturally than most species can genetically. It makes us highly plastic and adaptable to our circumstances. It also means we don't need to be assholes just because we can be. We can redefine and shape what is means to be an outsider. And, if a human can look at a drawing of a cartoon dog and feel empathy and humanize it and have their brains label it as part of the in group, we can definitely manage to not dehumanize other people just because they have different religions and customs. Appealing to tribalism is a bullshit excuse.
Religions are ideas. Ideas dont have rights. Humans have. You are free to criticise ideas & religions. They dont have rights. Criticising a religion is not bigotry.
Feels good saying this doesn't it?
Our major advantage as a species is that we evolve faster culturally than most species can genetically.
Can we? Is this a statement of fact, or is this just wishful thinking on your part? Because I know quite a bit about history and, time and time again this doesn't seem to be true whatsoever. We are tribalistic by nature, and we've never been able to permanently break this fact.
It's not appealing to tribalism, it's understanding of the factual nature of ourselves. You have to know the worst of humanity, because you're never going to rid yourself of it. Many things will knock us down as people to our most basic of instincts, and these basic rules still govern our actions.
I happen to live in the real world, not some idealistic utopia of what the world "could be".
I'd fucking die if I'd be surrounded by a homogenous mass of "typical germans". My fellow germans, mind you.
L take.
You don't have to confirm to society WHEN OUR SOCIETY IS ABOUT LIBERTY