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V60 beginner tips

I got myself a V60 (along with the honker kettle) in order to finally enjoy lighter roasts. I already have a timemore grinder and a mid range lelit espresso machine so I just wanted something to cleanse my palate and explore more varieties of coffees.

Currently I use the 15g coffee in, 5 pours ending with total of 250g over 3 minutes. I have modified the method to have more sweetness by pouring more water on second pour than rest. Pouring in a spiral motion going from center.

What are some other must know tips and core logic? What changes the flavor and what doesn't?

  • I don't know if I've been ruined by the Swedish tradition of strong black coffee but I can never get a brew I enjoy from only 15g coffee per 250g water.

    I also tend to get better brews when I do a double rather than single cup brews. Though it's not always convenient.