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Co-Author of "Trump Derangement" bill arrested for soliciting a minor

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Bloomington police say state Sen. Justin Eichorn, R-Grand Rapids, was arrested around 6 p.m. Monday for allegedly soliciting a minor for prostitution. House and Senate Republican leaders called for Eichorn to step down.


Co-Author of "Trump Derangement" bill arrested for soliciting a minor

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  • So let me get this straight. If I don't like a felon rapist traitor, I have a mental illness, according to an elected conservative who tries to fuck children.

    Conservatives LOVE their sexual predators.

  • Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS): (noun) An irrational and unwavering devotion to Donald Trump, characterized by blind loyalty, the dismissal of any criticism as fake news or conspiracy, and an inability to acknowledge his flaws or contradictions.