Donald Trump Accuses Canada of 'Cheating' Amid Tariff War
Donald Trump Accuses Canada of 'Cheating' Amid Tariff War

The president complained that Canadian dairy tariffs on imports outside of an allowed quota were "unfair."

Donald Trump Accuses Canada of 'Cheating' Amid Tariff War
The president complained that Canadian dairy tariffs on imports outside of an allowed quota were "unfair."
Trump: "I challenge you to a fist fight!"
[gets punched]
Trump: "No fair! You cheated!"
"Not fair! I called tariffs no backsies!"
Donald Trump does not lose trade wars. He wins them, or he quits because the other side is cheating.
What a petulant fucking child.
Idiot fucks around, finds out. More at 11
What a fucking baby. You reap what you fucking sow. I'm glad Treadau didn't buy into the games of 'TARRIFF!!!...haha just kidding...TARIFFS AGAIN!!! Nope just kidding again'. It was obviously some stupid tactic to act like he was in control of the situation. Glad they're standing up to him.
Classic loser response: "you're cheating"
They should rage quit as well
"mommy, they're mean to me!!!"
I remember Trump rage quitting a NATO summit when Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, Johnson and Rutte were making fun of him during his first term.
the cryest of crybullies
im glad you asked me about playing with my balls, mister trump
Dude used the word war in a sentence with Canada. And now he's surprised at the result?
I'm a little surprised they've been so fair actually
"Plankton cheated!"
These sky high Tariffs are part of Canada's unfair, long-standing policy to shield domestic producers from foreign competition
"And only I'm allowed to do that", he continued.
It's always projection with this imbecile. At least we always know what he's up to, because he blatantly accuses other people of whatever he's thinking.
Yeah... we're definitely cool with becoming dependent on the US for our food supply.
"These sky high Tariffs are part of Canada's unfair, long-standing policy to shield domestic producers from foreign competition, especially in Agriculture," he continued. "Our Great U.S. Dairy Farmers deserve fair treatment from Canada. Enjoy it while you can!"
The bastard cries about “unfair policies” that use tariffs to protect a country’s industry and yet in his own Steel and Aluminum tariffs declaration he stated:
“To allow U.S. aluminum producers to restart production and to incentivize new capacity, additional adjustments to section 232 tariffs on aluminum need to be made, including limiting exemptions and increasing the tariff rate.”
Literal toddler tantrums.
This is Trump trying to tell his MAGA moron farmers that he's fighting for them when he's actually fucked them with these tariffs. US is THE largest agriculture exporters in the world. When the retaliatory tariffs come, his base is going to hurt because of him, they know it, he knows it, so he's trying to change the narrative.
All is fair in love and war. If you did not want to fight as though it were a war, then it would have been better not to send over a declaration of war.
Came here to say that lol
The absolute despair
they're just playing the game you picked you dumbass.
Not what he's talking about. He's still lying and whining, but not saying what you (or the headline) imply he's saying.
He's saying that the pre-existing tariffs on out of quota dairy products are "cheating US farmers". Which is not true. The body of the article explains this correctly and in good detail, but the headline sucks and nobody ever reads past the headline because we all have brain rot as a species.
I wonder if a good Fedi alternative to Reddit would do something like force the link to be previewed in full or opened before getting to respond to the aggregation. Or maybe all social media was a mistake and none of it should exist, I don't know.
And let me be clear, I'm not attacking you here, this is a sytemic issue. Every human is subject to these patterns. Blame our collective wetware.
The even shorter version:
Canada is following the trade deal that Trump signed into law in 2018, as it pertains to what Trump is confusedly crying about.
Part of that deal is that if the US exports too much dairy products to Canada, beyond an agreed upon volume, a higher tariff rate kicks in for that excess.
This isn't even happening, because the US has not exceeded that export limit.
So... if by 'cheating', Trump means that the deal is being broken... no, it isn't.
If by 'cheating', Trump means that the terms of the deal are fundamentally unfair ... it was Trump's fucking deal after he blew up NAFTA! ... so Trump is then saying his own trade deal is fundamentally unfair to America, despite massively hyping it up as awesome during his first term.
If the headline is a piece of shit, I'm not reading the damned article.
Fuck capitalism for ruining everything, and I'm not supporting any journals that clickbait. Most of it is not worth it, and the few that do are not offsetting the risk.
Social media definitely was a mistake, but at least on the fediverse it's our mistake!
if you're into RSS feeds, i've found one for iOS called feeeed that will let you subscribe to subreddits (or lemmy communities, apologies i'm new here) and when you click on them it starts with the article and you have to tab over to the comments. it's been nice.
Some apps have previews of the article when you open the comments, which might encourage people to read a bit more of the source content
That's been the right wing talking point for a while now. It's the only thing they could come up with, because even to them the Fentanil explanation was to thin. Of course they completely ommit or ignore the quota part.
Wow. If he loses even more connection to reality, he'll start getting transparent and floating away.
Not only is he a shitwit, a fuckwad, and a Nazi, but he's also a fucking pussy.
How dare you insult and defile the pussy with that hideous human turd! He's probably well over 100 courics!
The article is "Trump truthed" rage bait.
The "cheating" is on the original USMCA where Canada has imposed steep tariffs on dairy products over a certain quota.
Can we not use tabloids?
Everyone is smarter than you don-old! Even the residents of local graveyards.