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How would you describe your genitalia? Are you confident about it, or if not, why not?

How would you describe your genitalia? Are you confident about it, or if not, why not?


  • Above average, but nothing to write home about.

    As long as my partners are satisfied I am happy with the tools my genetics gave me.

    Confidence high. Primarily because most of my exes apparently rate me highly. On more than one occasion a friend of an ex has hit me up specifically because they heard the way my ex talked about me. I know that reads like the biggest r/ihavesex bullshit in the universe but it has happened enough times for me to notice the pattern.

  • With words and gestures. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to manage both, having done so for all of this century and at least a quarter of the previous one.

  • I'm a bit self conscious about my penis because it's very curved to the left, but my gf loves it, and it's quite thick and the curvature helps me reach her G-spot in some angles. Still, I think My dick would look larger if it was completely straight, but I'm okay with what nature gave me. Not too big but not small either

  • I wouldn't describe my genitals without a good reason to do so.

    For one, nobody really wants to know randomly, so it would be rude.

    For another, it's a pointless endeavour; a description is going to be a matter of trust. If someone trusts me that implicitly and wants to know what my dick and balls look like in detail, I might show them if they have a good need and if I trust them implicitly. If they don't trust me, it doesn't matter what I say, they wouldn't believe me, so fuck them for asking.

    It isn't about confidence, I'm happy with my junk. At this point in my life, confidence isn't an issue with my body. It's just a meat suit, and how it looks to others is about as useful as the last poop I flushed.

    That being said, since you asked, let me untie it from around my waist and see if I can get it all in my vision at once ;)