Trump’s second trans military ban shows that the old Republican party is dead. It’s all MAGA now.
Trump’s second trans military ban shows that the old Republican party is dead. It’s all MAGA now.
Trump’s second trans military ban shows that the old Republican party is dead. It’s all MAGA now.
I'm not a fan of the US military, but as a supporter of LGBT rights it is important to acknowledge that military service has historically been an effective means of gaining public sympathy for expanded civil rights in the US. (The most obvious examples being African-American service during the Civil War and WW2.) In the context of the militaristic US culture, forbidding people from the military is inherently a clear declaration that they are lesser and unworthy.
I am not a fan of the military either but agreed, the military is a reliable vehicle for upward mobility for many marginalized/disadvantaged groups. If the choice is between living in poverty forever or signing your soul away for 4 years in exchange for a college education you'd never afford otherwise, I can't fault people for taking the only opportunity they are offered.
I'd rather there be better options for people in these situations, but something is at least better than nothing.
I feel like this is giving the GOP too much credit. The "old Republican party" never wanted trans in the military, and given how small the percentage of trans people in the US, I don't know that it will majorly impact readiness. But even if it would have, would have been an acceptable sacrifice to any time period of republicans. To pretend like the Rs of the past wouldn't have celebrated this at any time is looking back at the past with opaque rose glasses. It is hallucinating a time that never was.
Dunno about the conclusion here, the Classic republican were also transphobic pieces of shit. The party being taken over by the (more) openly fascist wing that had always been there didn't change their opinion much in this particular case. Likewise, the people burning records that mention climate change are the same who brought snowballs to Congress, they just got more upfront about it.
This is the problem of culminating monsters to control. The monsters eventually break free and run amok.
The creators (Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, etc) all had a hand in it. All these fucks were just grifters for money and power. The problem is all those that grew up on believing the grift, now fully believe the lies. The new crazies fully bought in the fantasy that was being peddled by the grifters.
As long as the US military remains capable of projecting force abroad in defense of America's traditional allies, the US military will be the enemy of the Trump administration.
Hurting LGBT people is fun for the Trumpies, but their overall goal is to wind down America as a world power; and specifically to hand the children of Europe over to Putin's rape gangs.
To be clear, Putin won't get far unless France falls to fascism first, because France has nukes and will remember how to use them for things other than offending Kiwis.
Meet the new Republicans, same as the old Republicans.
It's just the mask is off.
It's been all MAGA since his first term. Y'all been in a coma?
I don't know why anyone talks about the "old" GOP as if it was a good thing. I'm in my 40s and it's been a travesty since before I was born.