Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code - GitHub - skynettx/dosraptor: Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code
Wow, this game was incredible! Apogee did a tonne of great work, but this may have been my favourite. The music and intro cutscene especially stand out in my mind.
Great soundtrack, picking up the missile powerup in the first level, exiting the level to sell it, repeating until you could afford the twin blue lasers.
Dude what a game. I can't remember how many hours I spent playing that one. I used to play the first bit of one level over and over because you got air to surface misses right near the beginning and then when you aborted the mission you could sell them and make mad stacks.
It's just a source release, not even a Linux port done yet. It should be possible to build it for DOS and run it in dosbox but I don't know the tools required for that.
For what it's worth, that same github user already reverse-engineered the game : https://github.com/skynettx/raptor and this one should be able to compile on modern platforms.
There is probably a story behind the source release, I wonder what it is...