They can't hold out forever
They can't hold out forever
They can't hold out forever
Any major housing crash will probably affect your ability to purchase a home. The real solution is laws limiting property investment combined with building new, dense housing in areas that already have services.
The $500,000 house will be $250,000 but the 6% interest rate will be 24% and the 10% deposit will be 25%.
fuck BlackRock and Merz with it!
Vanguard and State Street too. All three together run the US, thanks to Reagan’s privatization of retirement accounts.
During a collapse, what stops them from swooping in and buying up cheap property?
The belief that it'll stay cheap and they won't make money
the inability to be able to rent it at a profit usually. If they don't think they can get money out of it, they won't want to. If the economy hits a point where the housing market collapses, chances are they aren't going to want to risk the buy in knowing that they likely won't be able to sell for equal amount.
Or the much faster method: the "scary" government regulating it
Millennials that bought in their 20s or early 30s are doing fine, gen Z in the other hand...
Lol, with what money do you think the millennials are doing this?
Been waiting since 2008.
C'mon... give me my unicorn... I've selflessly granted the right-wing consent to make those more vulnerable than me suffer, by heroically sitting on my heroic ass on many election days, I am a pure and very special, delicate flower, I know what's what and how's how better than anyone before or after me! i'M sO sPeCiaL, gOdDaMniT, giVE mE wHaT i WaaaaNt!!!
i know right? these people make me sick. wanting shelter, it's disgusting