Well, that changed quickly...
Well, that changed quickly...
Well, that changed quickly...
Easy solution - new defence pact without USA and invite everyone else the Trumpian USA stiffed on defence like Australia.
We (Australia) are already in Eurovision so a defence pact with Europe (and the UK lol) would make sense!
Our collective terrible singing, worse than the siren of Stuka and more terrifying than the brrt of A-10, will surely deter the both the Americans and Russians.
I'm imagining an A-10 in a Eurovision outfit now...
Have you guys made up with France yet?
Man I'm not even sure we have a government anymore...
lol no way Europeans will cross half the planet to come to your defense in Emu War II.
Didn't Australia stiff themselves by trusting trump and cancelling french submarines ? Or are you referring to something else ?
It was with Biden, in 2021. He truly went dark Brandon on that one, Macron and the entire French government learned about it through the news.
Though the Australians did stiff themselves spectacularly. They will have to pay billions to the French with nothing to show for it, then billions more to the Americans for nuclear submarines which they could have gotten from the French if they hadn't told them to design a diesel submarine based on their own nuclear design!! Except now Australia is tied to American nuclear fuel and maintenance, further vassalizing themselves. 5000 IQ move.
Plus now the project is in the hands of Trump and his fox news host of a defense minister so uh good luck with that. By the 2040s I project they'll have been officially integrated in the Russian chain of command and the submarines will be delivered to Australia in the form of perfect replicas of the Moskva.
Why? Are you worried the US is going to pull everyone into war or something?
My understanding is that people are annoyed at US actions outside of NATO, like positions WRT NATO, Trump/Musk nonsense domestically, etc. But are they worried the US won't defend if a NATO country is attacked?
I understand issues with the US as a trade partner, but you really want the biggest military on your side in a defensive pact.
The U.S-part of it turned to shit incredibly quickly, but at least the rest of the Alliance is still mostly sane. Given that no one in the alliance can rely on the U.S any more, we'll all just have to up our defenses collectively, and that way, NATO still sort of works out.
as long as it works on a full consensus system for decisions it's a time bomb.
We make our own alliance! Without blackjack and hookers but many many animals, a leopard, a grille...
It's still a win-win. Sweden got the nuclear umbrella now (even with Trump because also France, UK), and Sweden brings a lot of conventional power to the weak east flank of the alliance (good for Baltics).
This is supposed to be what NATO is for, so that they all fight like cats in a boardroom instead of killing their citizens on the battlefield.
bit too much enthusiasm on Troy's face to match reality. we didn't want to join. the current government didn't promise joining during the elections. there was no referendum, and at no point during the past ten years would the join side have won if there was one.
we had to remove trade barriers to get in. we put those up because we didn't want to sell weapons to countries systematically violating human rights on their own soil.
2022 polls started showing a majority in favor with support increasing after that
Majority of the Parliament was in favor since December 2020 (only MP truly against, V wanted a referendum) with elections happening in September 2022 (after applying in May), two years prior to officially joining... If Swedes were so against it then Andersson wouldn't have gained seats during that election.
seems i've been a bit mistaken. on page 68 of the GU SOM-census you can see the enormous shift in the public opinion. unfortunately it doesn't go beyond 2022. i'd be interested in seeing how it changed through the application process. Officerstidningen says support went down after 2022 but they don't have a graph.
i still think it was a brexit-style peek above the surface for the join side, because the stuff we've had to give up to join has not been popular.
Fourth and fifth panel could've been a gnome looking like Trump and Troy going ".. YOU!": https://youtu.be/POT3plx0vBs?t=80