Quick, what's your secret TP flipping tips?
Quick, what's your secret TP flipping tips?
I'm looking to make some gold. Outside making alt accounts to milk the Astal Acclaim, what are some other ways to make a decent chunk of gold?
Quick, what's your secret TP flipping tips?
I'm looking to make some gold. Outside making alt accounts to milk the Astal Acclaim, what are some other ways to make a decent chunk of gold?
The fastest way to make gold will always be buying gems and converting to gold with real money.
Realistically you can break it down like a job. How much would you pay yourself to play per hour? How much gold do you want and many gems/real currency does it cost? Now figure out how many hours it would take to make that much gold.
I watched one of Lara's videos recently and legendary fishing is one of the fastest ways to make gold, but it's also rather boring.
Who knows, I've never understood how to profit from flipping.
Look at TP indexing sites often to see if anything is flippable.
Maybe I'm just bad at it but I could never make more than a couple g with it, seems pretty inefficienct if you look at the amount of time you put in vs the ROI.
Whenever I've needed a big chunk of cash, I make a legendary and sell it. That won't work for everyone but at least at the rate I go through money it sets me up for a long time and makes the effort worth it. Another option for slow and steady progress is flax farming. Park a bunch of alt characters at the circle in Mount Maelstrom with reaper's sickles and then sell vials of linseed oil. For the effort and time it's a good return.