upscaled 4k pictures with advanced AI interpolation
You can't get more information out of the pictures than there is in the pictures. The most an upscaler can do is make the equivalent of an artist's interpretation of a 4k picture.
You cant gain data, but you can make mathematical predictions from that data, which what 'interpolation' means. And the AI part is using a learning model to add in more prediction data based on similar imagery.
Exactly, it's performing the job of an artist filling in the missing frames based on the pictures available and based on film of other volcanoes erupting.
It can look at all the other ai interpretations of eruptions and make what it expects people to think it looks like, then one day nobody will know what a volcano eruption actually looks like, just the chinese whispers of ai
Wait so is the CSI enhance thing real now?
Fuck no. You're basically morphing between two or more existing images, not creating or enhancing or getting anything real just something that vaguely looks like a weirdly blurry slideshow
The creator of that apparently got really angry when people told them that it looked like garbage.
Any comment applying criticisms toward the AI interpolation process or appearance, no matter their nature, will be deleted.
Omg that garbage looks like an elephant toothpaste experiment.
You really don't want law enforcement getting their hands on this and using it as "evidence"
Yeah, and it looks as bad as expected from "AI interpolation".
It just fills in the gaps with a whole lot of imagination, not too different from how a human would. Unless it has access to a more detailed picture or contextual information, it cannot extract more information than was actually captured.
Ash hole? No, it's the Mt. St. Helussy
Are we not doing that anymore?
maaan I love Archer so much !
what's your favourite season ?