Anon removes a fence
Anon removes a fence
Anon removes a fence
Get some work boots bud.
And a trash can for the nail
Oh that unlocked a memory.
I used to work on a construction site and everyone wore steel toed boots, anyway one time it was very cold and some guy decided to lick the toe of his boot to see if it would stick to his tongue. It did.
They were always a pain for being cold I remember. In a hot country they'd probably burn your toes. There's a reason most people don't wear metal shoes.
ISO 20345 boots for your specific job or bust. What Americans call work boots are only good for leisure not protecting feet.
I think that entirely depends on what you are diing for a living. Not every job needs as much toe protection
Did that shit exactly once. Nail went between my toes, barely knicked me. Yeah, never fucking around again.
And then there was the time I went Looney Tunes with a rake. Stumbling around, stunned and bleeding, hit it again. Yeah, had me in stitches.
Nailed it!
Stepped on a nail as a kid. Wasn't fun.
Probably the closest I've ever come to dying that I know of happened after I developed a severe, systemic infection from stepping on a nail. So yeah, I concur, it's not fun.
Maybe I have some internalized aussiephobia or something, but this read as an Australian to me.
I cannot watch that scene
Now you get it on repeat.