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Rus Series: Daughter of the Sun

In the course of drawing this I realized that I could have been using the selection lasso to mask areas to paint the entire time I have been using this fucking program. I don't know why it didn't dawn on me before that that might be really nice for these watercolor brushes.

Anyway these ladies claim to be literal descendants of the Sun. Maybe they're right, I dunno.

Messing around with the gradient was fun. I still think my backgrounds are mostly bad, but at least there's something kinda cool going on.

  • In the course of drawing this I realized that I could have been using the selection lasso to mask areas to paint the entire time I have been using this fucking program. I don't know why it didn't dawn on me before that that might be really nice for these watercolor brushes.

    Does the program you use have masks and layers? Much easier than the lasso so you don't get weird/pixelated lines.

  • I spent a couple days monkeying around with an AI tool suite for Krita and while it was interesting and I'll probably keep playing with it to see if there's a use-case for it in my workflow, I found that when I went back to color this picture (and realized I could solve so many of my headaches with the selection tool) that I was really enjoying myself. I draw because I love it, and even if there are parts of it that I just have to get through so I can do the parts that make my heart sing, I come out of that time spent feeling richer for it. I didn't get that as much from incorporating generative tools. There are a lot of other criticisms and observations I could make, but I'll leave it here for now.