The past few weeks in a nutshell
The past few weeks in a nutshell
The past few weeks in a nutshell
We like to joke about liberals being do-nothings, but I just saw some guy talking about how he’s going to stop going to red states or spending money there to “topple the oligarchy.” They literally think that not doing things is going to stop fascism. It’s ridiculous.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Feb 2, 2023 at 12:36 p.m. ET. On the Resolution in the House.
Whoa. Honestly, that's a lot more Nays than I anticipated. Is there an easy way to check what were the nay-sayers positions during the debate?
I know its not gonna happen, but I believe the majority of the the republican party officials should be sent to jail and the party banned