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  • NM:
    Eldorado at Santa Fe
    Santa Ana Pueblo
    Santa Clara village
    Santa Clara Pueblo
    Santa Cruz
    Santa Fe
    Santa Rosa
    Santa Teresa
    Santo Domingo Pueblo (do we count this one? It is a matter of gender)

  • I'm not entirely sure. In my state (one of the ones shown as "city"), Wikipedia has 942 cities/towns listed and of those only 25 have "city" in their names.

    I'm tempted to keep going to see how many Lake, Mount(ain), 'ville, 'burg, etc there are.

    • If despite the plethora of other words, City was the "mode", then that would make sense. Or it could be adjusted for population, or otherwise biased towards whatever the definition of a "city" is to specifically exclude towns and the like?

      In any case it's kind of a neat graph to think about:-).

  • I'm sure it's true, but like, I don't know any locations in Maine that follow the "new" trait. I do know of one or two that follow the "Island" trait though.

    • That is the only state that I see a gradient coloration for. If you were in the northern part of Maine, that might explain it? (Assuming the gradient was intended to mean literally north vs. south as opposed to more generically some parts vs. other parts)