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  • what a coincidence! i got fired for attendance issues for not wanting to wear their shitty uniform and attend at fucking dawn every fucking day, for shitty pay. (despite implementing a million dollar system for them)

    fuck these people, honestly.

  • CA has some of the most protective employment laws in the state, and, accordingly, there are lots of plaintiff-side employment law firms in the state.

    These firms will typically give you a free consultation (something to confirm ahead of time) to determine whether you have a case worth pursuing, and represent you on a contingency fee basis (e.g., 30% of your award, again, definitely something to confirm). They then typically will file a lawsuit and try to settle very quickly, and if the defendant is a big business, it’s standard practice for the defendant to just immediately pay off these so-called nuisance lawsuits.

    Worth noting that a quick, cheaper settlement often benefits the lawyer more than you: I.e., they could spend 20x amount of the time to triple the payout, or, in that same amount of time, they could get another 19 quick settlements - it’s more money in the lawyer’s pocket to settle quickly. That’s not to say every plaintiff’s side law firm is like that, of course. And of course, there’s a benefit to you in getting dollars in your pocket right away from a quick settlement rather than a protracted legal case as well.

  • Reach out to the NLRB. They will help with this. My partner was fired last month in retaliation for organizing. As long as you have some proof they'll slam dunk the case for you.