A real mistery eh
A real mistery eh
A real mistery eh
Whoever typed out the word “accidentally” in that headline should at the least lose their job, honestly should face criminal charges for malpractice
The accident was they didn't know that he was Israeli
Oh sorry yes I misread that’s 100% true, I think I saw “IDF accidentally kills” and my brain short circuited lmao
Quite editorialized eh
Man it’s so unclear, why ever would this happen
so confused, something here isn’t adding up.
for this to be true it would mean the idf just shoots at unarmed civilians who arent posing any clear or immediate threat, and we all know that’s not the case.
are we sure he wasn’t praising allah and swearing allegiance to hamas? perhaps laughing very islamically while stomping an israeli/US flag while saying “the western rats will be stepped on like i, a muslim, am stomping on their beautiful flags which i view as a symbol to hate”?
im gonna hold my tongue until israel investigates themselves and releases their findings.
No way, there's no chance that's happened thousands of times before. This is definitely unprecedented.
its not like they were naked waving a white flag shouting in hebrew, oh wait that happened too
Shocking that a "state" that kills its own citizens via a directive + the whole racism and hatred built into them, they kill one of their own!
Cancelled contractor
The number is eeriely well written sarcastic comments here is almost concerning
I dream of putting liberals in therapy contraptions like in a clockwork orange and make them watch videos of IOF just assaulting and murdering unarmed people, using people as human shields, aftermath of their bombings and so on. I'll tell them it's mcu if I have to