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  • Publically owned or controlled (or at least majority owned and controlled) news services in major countries

    CBC - in Canada (where I'm from)
    PBS - in the US
    NPR - in the US
    ABC - Australia
    BBC - in the UK
    France 24 - in France
    NHK - in Japan
    DW - in Germany

    Although there are criticisms for each, at the very least, they give a good guidance to relevant straight forward news without too much spin.

  • I try to stick to AP/Reuters. They tend to be more direct and less wordy. BBC, NPR, sometimes Guardian, NYT, and other news sources follow in approximately that order.

  • I've got a MASSIVE fricking OPML file I grab my news from and punch into various apps and sites like Feedly. I grab basically as many feeds as I can, except those that typically paywall their sites (like WaPo, NYT and WSJ)