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  • Circadian? Is that like a clown circus act?

    My wife works nights and is mostly alone all night, so I try to stay up late so she has someone to talk to. Unfortunately I also have a shifting schedule that changes every week, so I can't ever get into a sleeping pattern.

    Without fail and regardless of what time I went to sleep, every day between 630-7am I wake up. And if I've had more than 4 hours of total sleep, there's 0 chance of me going back to sleep no matter how tired I feel.

    My body is a MACHINE. It's BREAKING DOWN and things FALL OUT of it sometimes.

  • I woke up at 7:38 this morning and immediately panicked and jumped out of bed because I was late for work. I clock in at 7:30

    It's Sunday and I don't work Sundays. My body tricked me. I feel betrayed. Went back to sleep and woke up at 11