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cocktail recipe
  • When I was in the sixth grade, I went to a school that required you to have a badge. I had bad untreated ADHD (pretty sure I still do, just saw a psychologist about it about a week ago) and so it was normal for me to lose or forget my badge. If you didn't have your badge, you had to get a temporary from the front office, and if you showed up to lunch with one, you got one cold uncrustable for lunch. That's it. Everyone else was served a full hot lunch.

    So I have bad memories of being lunch shamed centered around these things. Besides, I love my extra crunchy Jif.

  • Eat πŸ’©
  • Drawings of Dogs

    The artist has taken some liberties as to what constitutes a drawing of a dog.

  • AITAH?
  • I fear not the man who has sucked 10,000 cocks once, but I fear the man who has sucked one cock 10,000 times.

  • wellthatsucks π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†
    My wife and I just came home from vacation, and after 4Β½ years of avoiding it, we have COVID.

    We social distance, usually wear masks in public, and stay up to date on our vaccinations. But all it took was one lady with a mean cough on a two hour flight a week ago to ruin that...or so we think.

    The timing really sucks. I had plans for my weekend.

    She suddenly discovers a great yawning well of hunger
  • My cat just has to be present in the room. The dog don't give two squirts of piss about that food until the cat is in the room, at which point the food is suddenly at extreme risk.

    In the year and some change we've had our dog, the cat has never gone within five feet of the his food bowl.

  • I am but a simple Modest Mouse enjoyer.

    I see the Westin Seattle, I photograph the Westin Seattle.

    And in case you don't know:


    Give it a listen if you like indie rock.

    I want to take a minute to brag on my wife
  • Lmao she barely has any interest in riding in it. She does know how to drive stick. Her first car was a manual '91 Stanza. An interesting one, for sure. She hated it. Her preference is a bigger car with a tall ride height and room for the family and so her daily is a 5.7L Sequoia. She loves loading up her aging parents or her sister and her three kids and running around town. I stan the idea of being only one car on the road instead of two or three. My only gripe about the thing is that it's thirsty, but she teleworks five days a week so it doesn't really see much daylight. Now that my Civic is back up and running, that'll probably be the car for running errands around town.

    Her interest is in the total opposite of the Prelude, BUT she says that she loves that it makes me so happy owning and driving it. She just doesn't care to ride in it.

  • Back to office articles.
  • I have to be in office one day a week. Mondays. Just get it over with. Sometimes, I have nothing to do. I piddle. I listen to music on my phone. I check the weather 47 times. I read the news.

    Those days suck.

  • I want to take a minute to brag on my wife
  • Italian is her favorite. I managed to get a lunch reservation the day before we leave. There unfortunately weren't any dinner reservations available until October. Thanks for the tip!

  • I want to take a minute to brag on my wife
  • So I had a 2000 base auto in my college years. I had to sell it because it was breaking all the time and I didn't make the money to keep fixing it. Also, it was my parents' car on paper and they were making me sell it. They wouldn't sell it to me. It took all of eighteen seconds to determine I wanted another Prelude.

    Now, I wanted one, but I wasn't about to move on one. But one afternoon, I was driving home and stumbled upon a neighbor who was a two minute walk from my house selling this red Prelude out of his driveway. I knocked on the door and asked some questions. I test drove it and asked what he wanted. After negotiating, I got him down to $2,700.

    Turns out, it's got a red top H22A swapped in. Someone paid real good money to make 20 extra horsepower lol Still, it's a ripper. I had to daily it for a little while when the starter in my Civic died. And the old thing took it on the chin and is no worse for wear because of it. Good ol 90s Hondas.

    My wife wanted to use the extra money to do some minor house renovations. Instead, because the opportunity just popped out of nowhere, I bought a car lol So after vacation, I do owe her a lot of work on our house.

  • I want to take a minute to brag on my wife
  • Thanks for pointing out the typo. Aroma of Tacoma cracked me up. My wife says it smells like "thoughts and prayers of fish." Fortunately for me, I have basically no sense of smell so I don't even notice.

  • I've always wanted to see Seattle.
  • Getting a pic in front of the gum wall is definitely on the calendar for today.

  • I want to take a minute to brag on my wife

    I've wanted to visit Seattle for years. But up until recently, we've always been suuuuuper broke. Finally, a decade into our careers, we're both in our early thirties. Considering kids, not planning for it, not rushing it. We didn't get to travel in our twenties, but in the last few years, our combined incomes have beaten inflation by a pretty good margin. My wife because she's unwilling to settle and looks for a new job as soon as she feels undervalued. Me because my workplace has been investing in its current staff and doling out regular raises.

    I've been telling her for years I want to visit Seattle. So for Christmas, she surprised me with Green Day and Smashing Pumpkins tickets in Seattle. Then she arranged accommodations with this awesome view of the Puget Sound pictured above, a rental car, and lots of things to do. On her own. She just wanted me to pick out a few places I might want to eat. She did like 99% of the work of planning a vacation.

    All of this following last year when, for my birthday, I got to buy a car I've been wanting (a manual '97 Honda Prelude) and a new GPU to replace my R9 290.

    All of that, and she's the one that chased me. I wasn't even in the dating pool. She approached me. Said I was cute. Asked me to help her move into her new apartment eight years ago.

    Now I'm in fucking Seattle because this woman loves me so much she plans out entire vacations and concerts for me. I just sat on the balcony with a cup of coffee before she woke up and cried. She is so good to me.

    I've always wanted to see Seattle.

    If only I could! Someone turned on the PlayStation 2 graphics. But here's the view my wife and I were greeted with last night.


    Foggy, cold, and rainy with a hot cup of coffee is legitimately how I could start every day. Dreary weather is my heaven. Anyway, we're gonna see what that Ublic Market Center is about before we go home.

    Get you a company that can do both
  • Looks aside, I'll bet visibility is incredible, at least from the front. And I think that at least my mail carrier will appreciate having air conditioning. We still have a lot of the old LLV's here and it was 105 and humid all summer.

  • Sheep rule
  • I'm a ceep

    I'm a shitten

    What the hell am I doing here?

    I don't belong here

  • What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Hate to break it to you, but nostalgia will probably make them cool. Nostalgia is the rosiest of tints.

  • Heartwrenching
  • It's 10 PM. Do you know where your ten millimeter wrenches are?

  • notifications rule
  • Duolingo is the only exception.

    ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--.

  • Burnt to a crisp
  • Got it. Full of holes. Uhh...what caliber, sir?

  • Steak
  • You think that's bad? My mother-in-law takes it congratulations, then drowns it in A1. She also thinks Pepsi is appropriate hydration. I don't think I've ever seen her drink just a glass of water. If there's even the slightest hint of spiciness in anything, it's completely inedible.

    Don't get me wrong. I love her to death, but she has questionable taste.

    As for me, I'm a medium rare type, but I'm known to order mine rare from time to time when she's out eating with us. Just to bring some balance to the table.

  • What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?

    This thread has convinced me to play Outer Wilds.

    My picks are:

    • Game: Portal 2.
    • Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
    • TV show: Bojack Horseman.
    • Movie: The Shawshank Redemption.
    Full body sprints are my favorite.

    It means we'll get some damn peace at home lol


    And it's a fact that dogs alternate between graceful and goofy when they run.

    I've been visited by the Prelude Curse


    The left door handle has been cracked ever since I got the car so this was coming sooner or later. A year of daily use ain't bad. Still, it came as a shock when, last Wednesday, I grabbed the handle, and the door didn't come open. I'm a big dude (tall and fat), and there wasn't room on the other wall to climb in through the passenger side. Somehow, I passed the acrobatics check it took to climb through the trunk and into the front seat. And I didn't hurt my back at 32 years old. Truly a feat to behold.

    I've already bought a handle, but it won't be in til Thursday. I could run around with it like this for a week, but I'm not gonna.

    Which means I'll be driving my wife's cargo ship for a few days.

    Forbidden Snacks π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†
    Forbidden watermelon