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  • It's to take home after the meal and sip at your desk.

    Edit: I like waiting for the ice to melt and then sipping that ice cold water with the slight flavor of diet coke.

    God I love trash.

    • Yeah that's always what I've done. Get a 32 ounce fountain drink somewhere and just sit at my desk with it for a while.

      And if fountain drinks weren't 32 ounces, I'd just buy two bottles or cans instead. They taste better, and would probably be about the same price with other nation's fountain drink sizes. What can I say, my soda addiction replaced my fent addiction. I just love bubbly water with sugar in it. I'm so glad I get it for free at work. Probably doesn't help my stomach issues though

      • Yeah, I'd say sugar is a harm reduction from fentanyl.

      • I'm so glad I get it for free at work

        god i'd trade our coffee machine for that in a heartbeat

        however much value i'm currently draining from my company by being lazy and stealing tampons would double instantly

    • Dude even if you drink that shit over the course of 24 hours a litre of coke is too much

  • I confined my soda drinking to only no sugar, only occur within a 1-2 hour window and only on weekends. maybe exceptions for holidays/special events.

    outside of that, it's just water or the occasional small green tea at midday. no other caffeine, no alcohol. zip.

    my limited window of diet soda consumption is my last vice and I am a FIEND for it. its embarrassing how excited I get for diet soda.

    last party I went to had coolers of diet soda and I had like 4 cans over 2 hours. I was completely off my face.

    I could hear others' thoughts before they even had them.

    • This is me when I have any more caffeine than one small cup of green or black tea. I had two strong black coffees once and was bouncing off the walls. I ended up doing a 20 mile bike ride in the rain to work out the energy.