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If you could choose to move outside the US, would you?

And if you'd decide to leave, where would you go?

Context for why I'm asking: I'm trans and currently live in Minnesota, I moved here from Florida so I have some idea of how miserable big moves can be. I can get EU citizenship which makes me very lucky, but... Do I sit here and hope Minnesota can protect me from 🥭 or do I try to build a life somewhere else, again?

  • It depends on so many factors. How well you can and more importantly if you are willing to appear "passing", and/or if you are in a local area that is accepting. You will likely never be "proud" of the USA again, sadly, if that's a thing for you. It's worth grieving that.

    On the other hand, big moves REALLY suck! And that's not to be undertaken lightly, even if only for consideration of timing. Would you be abandoning family, possibly someone who you want to become family but aren't ready to move to another country with? That kind of thing.

    It helps to think it all through, be kind to yourself in the meantime, and think like: "which would I later regret the most, looking back?" You may legit want to wait a few years first, or, you might not. Maybe either way give yourself a year to process it all. Or don't, and if that's your call, then don't look back:-).

  • Yes! Only hesitation would be my cat, but I've been looking into digital nomads for a bit.

  • I mean, probably, but realistically I suspect that I wouldnt have very much luck were I to attempt it. Were I somehow to have a guaranteed shot at it, I guess I'd probably be thinking about either Ireland or the Netherlands? Honestly I feel like if actually given the choice, Id want to be doing a lot more research first.

  • I fear I will soon loss my job soon because of the current USA political environment (fascism).

    I've been planning for years to earn enough money to escape.

    I am going straight to China if I can earn enough.

    Urban environment, Great civil infrastructure, and I'd be able to spend the rest of my life as a professor and do research.