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  • So what's going on here now? Haha

    • "Hear me out" is kind of a joke thing you say when you're attracted to someone or something that sounds out of pocket, like being attracted to a despicable character in a TV show or someone that is not attractive to most, like an elderly fairy tale witch. People like Jordan Peterson think fat or even just non-thin women are in that category, but they aren't unattractive to normal people. So they'll say "hear me out" but the person is actually by most standards attractive already.

  • I'll be honest and say I thought this was about transvestigators.

  • I initially thought this was a parody of guys that have monster girl fetishes, seeing how far they can go with the monster % before it goes too far.

    Like, I think I've seen some sort of variation of this where the arrow says "literal snake" and it's just a crappy cropped out photo of a snake.