Jordan Peterson?
Jordan Peterson?
Jordan Peterson?
sorry i touch too much grass to understand this
I understood it, although I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.
...and I smoke too much grass to understand this
Yeah I don't understand this either
I don't get it
You have to know the lore of Jordan Peterson, he once called a supermodel "ugly" because she had like some very slight chubbiness on her stomach. So the joke is the guy, Peterson, is trying to convince his bros that the girl is pretty...when she is. The meme sounded way better in my head lol, way more esoteric than it needs to be.
I hate that I got the joke immediately. Fuck that pill popping psychiatrist.
Wouldn't that be her uterus?
Seriously, what TF is wrong with him and his followers?!
So what's going on here now? Haha
"Hear me out" is kind of a joke thing you say when you're attracted to someone or something that sounds out of pocket, like being attracted to a despicable character in a TV show or someone that is not attractive to most, like an elderly fairy tale witch. People like Jordan Peterson think fat or even just non-thin women are in that category, but they aren't unattractive to normal people. So they'll say "hear me out" but the person is actually by most standards attractive already.
I'll be honest and say I thought this was about transvestigators.
I initially thought this was a parody of guys that have monster girl fetishes, seeing how far they can go with the monster % before it goes too far.
Like, I think I've seen some sort of variation of this where the arrow says "literal snake" and it's just a crappy cropped out photo of a snake.