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  • Imagine being a boomer and your toilet bowl brain is sloshed around with lead, racism, and general american style reaction, you come upon this picture and your gut reaction instead of laughing or saying "what the fuck" out loud is to post, as quickly as your fingers carry you, "AEMN GOBBLESS HOSS!"

  • GOD bless you SON. We LOVE you here in AMERICA the land of the free. But BIDEN took away our right to LOVE. My aunt tells of FIVE AGENTS entering her apartment and SHOOTING her DOG and the SIX CHILDREN who were happyly watching the T.V. This was for FREE SPEECH on the internet. The MEN came SHOT. the reason for MURDER was LOVING. That isthe storyline of life. When they COME FOR YOU you have to LOVE liberty and FREEDOm or otherwise they SHOOT. This was methaforical as this didn't happen. The children died 12 years ago in a crash. They were my kids. Jim, Crow, Augustus, Vulpis, Nero, Jeremiah, Octavian. I lost my photos of them when my phone locked me out and then my house burned down. No physical copies left. I loved them. I had a dog too. Max. She died with the boys. I still remember her little scuddling. My aunt has been missing ever since the 9/11 attacks on the nation. I am Jeremy Elbertson age 1931 march 12th. I served in the U.S. army and am a distinguished war hero. I still remember those days when we i am sorry. I have no time left. I heard. They're taking it away. Post on Facebook Anna beautiful you're my favourite. Please allow me more time Many lover Hertfordshire hmm