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Just came out as bisexual to my dad.

Literally did it on impulse without even thinking about it so I wouldn't chicken out, so I blurted it out.

I said "I'm bisexual. I like both men and women. No more anti-gay stuff from you, ok?".

He said, "oh go away, you don't know what you like". I think he'll understand eventually, he needs time to think.

EDIT: Showed him this thread.

I said: "Look, this is what I said to you, these are my online friends who are happy for me that I came out as bisexual."

He said: "Oh you don't know what you're talking about, you've never had sex with a man or a woman before, until then you'll never know."

And yeah, I am still holding on to my v-card at 26. I was insecure about that years ago in high school, but I'm honestly glad I've waited to mature first.

52 评论
  • He said: "Oh you don't know what you're talking about, you've never had sex with a man or a woman before, until then you'll never know."

    Ask your dad if he's had sex with a man to determine whether he is straight or not.

    • That's what I did, but he changed the subject. He'll think about it and understand it eventually, he's a boomer with all the associated brainrot so I guess he needs it to be personal before he develops enough empathy to understand.

  • Honestly that is pretty funny. It sucks but I could not help but chuckle. Hopefully he comes around.

    Better than my brother doubling down on transphobia because he "has trans friends who are totally cool with slurs" like bro I assure you they are not.

  • I'm happy that you were able to say it. I hope he understands better I the future. I always think about how fortunate bi guys like us are to live in a time and place where we are free to be our true selves.

  • Proud of you comrade, that's awesome and so difficult. I'm sorry he didn't accept it right away. Hopefully he comes around

    • Yeah, gonna come out to my mom when she gets home from work later, but I already know she's ok with this, she's had the "it's ok to be gay" conversation with me before.

      • If you've had that conversation, she probably thinks you're bi may be easier news to swallow.

        Sorry your dad was kind of a dick about it but least he was only kind of a dick about it?

  • This mirrors much of what I'd expect my dad to say if I espoused my blatantly commie views to him. I think you're right about older folks needing to ruminate on our ideas for a bit to warm up to them.

    I hope your dad gets there comrade

  • Congrats comrade!!! It takes a lot of courage to come out. Hopefully your dad comes around to it soon.

  • Congratulations. It's a weight off your back.

    Hi cosecantphi's dad. He's being open and honest with you. It's ok. That's a good thing! Ask your son some questions. He might not know everything. He might have a preference one way or the other, but he likes both so just respect him and their partner, whover that may be and still be a loving father to them both. It's ok 👍Now hug!

52 评论