The frost on my roof matches the chimney's shadow pretty closely.
The frost on my roof matches the chimney's shadow pretty closely.
Or, as my wife said, sun's hot.
The frost on my roof matches the chimney's shadow pretty closely.
Or, as my wife said, sun's hot.
This can't be a coincidence. Something has to be going on. Do you have a refrigerator in your attic that is that exact shape?
Is there even a shadow of a doubt?
I was thinking the same thing, but here's my guess:
-Cold, foggy night/morning = frost forming
-Cloudy until early-morning so the sun doesn't warm the shingles
-Clouds clear up a bit by mid-morning, and the sun rapidly warms up the shingles, leading to the frost evaporating quickly relative to the shadow's motion
Ooookay, got a chuckle out of me man, thanks.
Maybe his neighbor is a climate controlling liberal?
I agree, sun is in fact hot
stupid sexy Sun
Crazy how shade would be cooler
Who is your wife that is so wise in the ways of science?
More flat earth proof. π
AKSHUALLY comparing shadows across the Earth is a great way to prove it is in fact an oblate spheroid. The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes used shadows to calculate the size of the Earth over 2000 years ago and he got pretty damn close. He didn't need to prove the Earth was round, because people weren't idiots like some are these days.
Isn't he the guy that used a sieve to encrypt web traffic?
Gee I wonder why
BTW, you really should fix that sagging soffit and close the gap where the fascia meets the fireplace - don't want critters getting in.
wow such a coincidence