This should be framed
This should be framed
This should be framed
That guy's life has peaked. It can only go downhill from here.
Take it away, Indy:
I'd put that shit on my wall like Mr. Krab's first dollar
But what's it worth?
About tree fiddy. I'll show myself out.
At least 101 dollars
Every time someone tries to buy it, you give another 100 dollar bill and sell it to someone else
If you scammed every single person on Earth 50 times, you would still not be the richest person on Earth
You could be if you then sold courses on how to scam people
What's the problem? Just make copies of it and sell it to people inside display cases like this that can't be opened or the money used as actual cash. Sell hundreds of them at $1,000 a piece. Who's going to verify this? I'll verify it for you!
Like an NTF, super smart!
Holy shit, keep that mf
there are exactly 9 characters in serial number for this specific reason
Careful! If you post the code someone is going to redeem it online. /s