republicans are gonna win a supermajority in the midterms because of this
republicans are gonna win a supermajority in the midterms because of this
lol. lmao even
republicans are gonna win a supermajority in the midterms because of this
lol. lmao even
Even if the slop creators go back to Tiktok, Xiaohongshu is a much better experience. Within a day its algorithm started feeding me pretty much nothing but naturalists excited about plants and camping/hiking. Like Hexbear removing all of reddit's gamification elements, that's so much closer to authentic social media. I get much more value comparing native botany with someone in Yunnan than I do from endlessly scrolling a slopified stream of western social media equivalents.
yeah the algorithm is infinitely easier to sway. interacting with content and hitting the "not interested" button feels like it works 50x more efficient than tiktok.
also haven't seen any ads, or promotional videos that pretend to not be ads. no hearing the same dozen trending audios over and over and over. the memes are funnier, the creative stuff is more creative, the content is more original, and the people are less toxic. + photos in comments. all around a much better experience
also haven't seen any ads, or promotional videos that pretend to not be ads.
If you see anything which is using a specific product, it is likely an ad. The app has a shop built in, so that poster making tea content is actually selling you tea.
I've seen tons of these
Yea, xhs is better than tiktok. Idk why, but I think it is partially because there is no capacity for Americans to make money directly from the app rn. There are more restrictions on that stuff in China anyway, but no way to get paid without a Chinese ID.
Pretty sure you can still do product placement and shit, but I think youd get banned if you aren't doing it as required.
I don't mind the algo though. It didn't take long to push it in a certain direction. I imagine I'll stop using it soon though, because at the end of the day it's still just easily palatable slop. Cool seeing the books Chinese nerds are reading though. I'll likely keep coming back for that lol.
My feed is full of muscular Chinese women
All I'm getting is communist music, PLA hardbass edits, cosplayers, and occasionally "American friends, is this just propaganda or do you actually have to [pay for ambulances, eat raw unseasoned broccoli for lunch, die in school shootings every week]"
So I guess it's working pretty well
I agree. Im keeping it on my phone and scrolling it still. Ill stick around tiktok but it is already worse than it was (my feed is 50% ads) and will inevitably become worse
I was talking about it last night by the dems have fucked up so badly it's unreal. These bozos were outflanked by Donald "wet boy" Trump, how embarrassing.
That was even faster than I thought
The only upside for the DNC shitlibs is that it’s as far away from the midterms as possible and USian voters have the political memory of a goldfish
Is this the first time since 9/11 that the "it's for national security" bullshit blank check finally failed?
I mean that reason is probably going to lose out if there's an opportunity for Trump to look good
Like with the nuclear secrets they walked off with lol
everything to support genocidal entity
no one will remember this whole affair by 2026
no one will remember this by next week
I don't even remember what I scrolled down from in this thread
Really makes it seem like it's all theater.
what's even the point
"As a result of President Trump's efforts"
Trump = bread and circuses , that's the point. Pavlovian conditioning.
democrats and handing elections to the republicans. name a more iconic duo
"Americans deserve to see our exciting Inauguration on Monday, as well as other events and conversations," [Trump] wrote. "I would like the United States to have a 50% ownership position in a joint venture. By doing this, we save TikTok, keep it in good hands and allow it to say up. Without U.S. approval, there is no Tik Tok. With our approval, it is worth hundreds of billions of dollars - maybe trillions."
Hopefully ByteDance doesn't get strong-armed into 50% US ownership. That would be, like, the most awkward divorced parents situation ever
I don't know how they can get strong armed, they're clearly willing to call the USs bluff and get banned. What other leverage is there?
The key here is the joint venture, because it opens up the possibility for a US-China joint venture inside China as well.
Read my comment here in the news mega for how the US can potentially play this game.
If the US says you share your TikTok algorithm with us, and you let Meta inside China and we share some of our AI technology with you and lift the other AI restrictions Biden has put into place, will you take it?
If the US says what if Meta/some US tech companies invest $100 billion into China to help boost your domestic consumption, will you take it?
If the US says, we will cut the Fed rates further in 2025 to help alleviate your local government debt burden, will you take it?
In other words, the stick is mutually assured destruction - if you don’t want to play ball, I’ll make the situation so much worse for both of us. The carrot is you give us some of what we want and we promise not to further our threats, and we both come out of this with our respective PR wins. You have 1.4 billion of people to take care of, think about them.
It’s a classic dilemma of “saving your economy” and “preserving or giving up parts of your sovereignty” for China. There are going to be red lines, and there are going to be compromises. All the tariffs, sanctions and bans set the initial conditions for negotiations that can then be bargained down to a point where both sides are satisfied with.
With the ceasefire in Gaza and this, the Democrats are hurting what usually is their strongest demographic in the youth.
Dems have spent a decade telling everybody under 50 that what we want is impossible and we should stop talking and just give them our undying support, and be grateful for the opportunity.
if trump keeps throwing people a bone and making as much political hay about the easiest moves in the world, the Democrats are finished.
not saying he will, but can you imagine if he took some opportunity to publicly shit on some medical insurance exec and fuck with them on a personal level? nothing structural or threatening to capital, but purely making an example of one asshole to throw red meat into the angry crowd.
his project would be swimming in political capital and libs would throw themselves on the fire to defending civility.
Ngl I feel that Obama and Bernie are really the only major democratic figures that actually wanted to talk to the youth (one with false promises and the other with tacit growth of some labor benefits that never actually came), the rest of the dem infrastructure is geared toward the belief that their aged moderate demographic will last forever or not continually show themselves to be right wing reactionaries.
tldr the dems hate the youth because the youth want actual material change that hurts the status qou
The youth shall become socialists
Aparently the catch is if it goes to at least 50% American ownership it can stay. And what will become of it then?
Yeah this is the end of tiktok as it was. It will become shit, exactly how depends on who buys it.
It's hilarious coz Trump started this who ban tiktok saga, baited democrats into running with it for Biden's whole term, and then swooped in at quite literally the 11th hour to restore it from the evil censorship-loving liberals to thunderous applause from everyone.
Unlike the democrats, trump actually tries to win. It's one of the main things that people like about him.
Also, insert twitter screenshot of the guy saying that ever since 2016, the dems have just gotten dunked over and over by a golden retriever while they were clutching a rulebook and screeching about the integrity of the sport.