Federal prosecutors are ending the bribery case against former New York Lieutenant Gov. Brian Benjamin, in light of the death of a key witness, reported The New York Times on Friday.This decision "lifts a cloud that has followed Mr. Benjamin, a Democrat, since April 2022 when the government first ac...
Federal prosecutors are ending the bribery case against former New York Lieutenant Gov. Brian Benjamin, in light of the death of a key witness, reported The New York Times on Friday.
The case had alleged that Benjamin, while serving in the state Senate, arranged for a $50,000 grant to Migdol's nonprofit in Harlem, in return for Migdol illegally funneling campaign contributions to Benjamin.
Prosecutors believed Migdol's cooperation was central to proving the allegations. In a filing with the judge, prosecutors wrote, “Based on a review of the evidence in the case, and in light of the death of cooperating witness and co-defendant Gerald Migdol, the government has determined that it can no longer prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the charges in the indictment.”
This sounds familiar…
Also the article didn't address the nature of Gerald Migdol's death, only its effect on the case