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  • Foxconn: “We take offense to that. We make more than just phones. We also make TVs, PlayStations and EVs.”

  • What are the wages they are paid? I would be surprised if the assembly line workers were getting a lower than average wage for the country the factory resided in.

    • Slave labour doesn't require u pay a wage. That's why the CCP does it.

      • I hate the ccp as much as the next guy but these workers are being paid and given benefits. Its not slavery. It doesn't help to make false statements like this. If you want to attack foxcon there is plenty of actual points.

        For example you could bring up the fair labor report that happened after this controversy and examined 3 foxcon factories in China and found that while workers starting wage was above minimum wage and most of the workers were far above minimum wage majority of the employees still said their salaries were not satisfactory to cover their needs.

        Also foxcon addressed the concerns of that report after the investigation was concluded. Including improving health and safety, worker pay, hours worked and benefits.

        Its far from slavery but its not denmark working conditions. However if I was Chinese I wouldnt say its a bad job. Lots of hours and decent wage + option of living on premises is good. The suicides definitely are not related to working conditions or we would see at least 5x more per year.