People in the US probably won't say what they mean directly the same way you would in Europe. The biggest thing I've noticed in the EU is that, to an American, most people are horrifically blunt to the point of being rude. So if you're used to that you should be fine.
Unless you are very fluent in English a lot of American rudeness tends to be very underhanded, so you might not really realize it anyways? It's either that or batshit crazy.
It is generally true that folks on this side of the pond are more direct and blunt than folks that I've met from Europe, or even from our lovely neighbors to the north. But I wouldn't say it's aggressively so. It's also the case that it's a matter of degrees.
I'm from the southern US, and we tend to be way less blunt, and more wordy than many other areas. Like, the New Yorkers I've known will just up and say something, in one sentence, and it's up to you to like it or lump it. A southerner is likely to edge around a subject a little more, and feel you out before deciding how to say something, and then say it with relatively careful wording.
I'm not even talking about harsh things, I'm talking about something like asking if you like hamburgers.
It isn't perfect, but we tend to be nice to visitors. Not everyone, and not as much as we should, but the places I've lived, or visited long enough over time to get to know people, you're more likely to run into people being curious and helpful as a tourist, or even immigrant, than they would be to someone from the next town over.
So, I don't think you'd have to "toughen up" to visit or live here.
The caveat to all of that is that there are assholes here. There are everywhere, but we're a big country, so even a 1% asshole group is a lot of people.
Sensitivity is more than fine! You'd fit right in. However, you very much need to be able to firmly advocate for yourself, and be confident in what is necessary for your health needs.
I feel like it also depends on where you go. It's a big country and the culture can be drastically different in different areas, even within the same state.
True. I just don't get why so many Americans can be so confident. I hope I can keep up with that. Cause my parents ruined my confidence with all the trauma they introduced to me. But maybe it would help just going out of the country of my parents
The country will kill you quicker than the people. If you do come, remember this place is MASSIVE, the biggest mistake tourists make is going exploring natural spaces. If you aren't prepared, didn't bring a compass, and can't navigate by tree moss and the sun, then it is extremely easy to wander off, and never be found. If the road you are on suddenly switches from asphalt to gravel or dirt, you want to stop your car immediately, consult your navigation, and a damn atlas just in case, and turn back towards the nearest shreds of civilization. Exposure to the elements in this country can be, and frequently is, lethal. The less said about the wildlife the better, but if you're in a car you're mostly safe.
'Murican here. We're home to every personality under the sun - if you feel like the person you're dealing with is an asshole, they probably are. Disengage and move on - you'll find pleasant people.
Given the political disaster we're about to dive into, you might want to wait a bit to gauge how we treat our guests over the next few months - we've definitely set the stage to go full Nazi, whether or not we actually do remains to be seen.
Fucked up politics aside, welcome aboard if you ever decide to visit!
We've got multiple sizes and flavors of all of the above. If sugar and junk food are what you're after, this is definitely the place. Reese's just came out with a larger than normal cup with a glob of gooey caramel under the peanut butter... if you're not opposed to flirting with diabetes, it's pretty great :D
Hell, most of our 'normal' food probably qualifies as candy to the rest of the world - we can definitely hook you up!