In Bad Communist Country, child slaves have to work for 48 hours straight.
In Bad Communist Country, child slaves have to work for 48 hours straight.
In Bad Communist Country, child slaves have to work for 48 hours straight.
Those kids get released after because they've provided so much for society that it displays they don't need any more rehabilitation, right?
The better question would be "What did these kids "do" to be in prison to begin with?"
Burgers calling China authoritarian yet never blink for a second when a car full of 18 year olds get charged with felony murder because someone who was allegedly riding with them does a murder.
I don't think 99% of Americans even understand what the fuck those charges even entail. Literally if you had your weirdo uncle Steve with you and he decides he wants the scratch off lotto tickets for free and shoves his gun in the clerk's face (which a ton of people carry daily- welcome to Burgerland, here's your McBurger with a gun) gets fidgety, pulls the trigger killing the clerk, and runs out to your car... well, you committed a crime (potentially). According to the great nation of Burgers.
Mostly you getting charged or not depends on how much melanin you have and how "valuable" a (absolutely racist) prosecutor/judge think you/your family are to society. If you're a poor black/brown teen and that shit happens to you... welp, hope you like fighting fires otherwise you're just staring at walls for decades. You didn't even harm anyone, may not have known what was happening (not a requirement to be charged), but your ass sure as shit will be collateral.
It's a totally bullshit way of avoiding proving someone was an accomplice to murder which I would agree (assuming they actually WERE an accomplice) they should get charged with something (but lesser than murder obviously). They just say "Doesn't matter. A murder happened, you were there, guilty."
But China is the authoritarian state. Not the state finding excuses and writing laws specifically to lock up non-murderers for murder. 🤔
so you mean they have the FREEDOM to not be ENSLAVED by GOVERNMENT AGENCIES like the fire department? and don't even get me started on these unconstitutional age of consent laws. we should just get rid of the whole government and let walmart control everything huh guys that would be so much cooler wouldn't it. imagine if the whole world was a walmart. that would be so cool.
If you told me that, I wouldn't like it one bit
Ah hell i used the wrong one
yeah with plenty of job opportunities and no systemic discrimination too. gaw bless uhmerica
Oh good. Not a fan of the long shifts but it's nice to know things are pretty good down there
Can god like punish this wicked country already? C'mon guy what are you waiting for?
I mean... there are those big old swaths of hellfire nibbling at LA
Probably too subtle tho
The problem is all the theofascists who will take that as "that's God punishing the gays" or some nonsense like that because California or something.
And yet, when literal floods so bad you'd need an ark come to the southeast...
If they did, the conclusion would be that God simply is punishing the US for not being bigoted enough.
im putting this shit on xiaohongshu
btw its illegal to be against capitalism in the US
Not that it makes this much better, but the term youth offender refers to the age when the offence is committed, not the person’s current age. The youth offenders fighting fires are adults who were convicted as minors.
Oh, well that's fine then.
death to america