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  • This looks really pretty, but fuck man, why did it turn out to be an isekai? And not a very interesting one either. I was hoping it was just a dream the previous ep, but it doesn't look like it.. I hope that soon it still turns out to be something like that, otherwise I'm not sure I'm interested enough to keep this going

  • Wew, the sexist remark from Luke was uncalled for. I'm glad he at least somewhat apologised for it afterwards.

  • This continues to look amazing, but I can't help but wonder what on earth the theme is, and if there even is one. I know from the synopsis (still no indication in the anime itself) that she was stuck on her movie because she'd never been in love before, so is she here to learn about love? How would it help her with her movie if she falls in love with an anime character / figment of her coma imagination, if that's where this is going (and it does seem like it)? Or is she falling back in love with anime / the act of creation, and if so, how does that apply to writing a romance movie? Is there some deeper meaning to her "fixing" the plot of her favorite anime? They should be at least setting up dominoes for her character arc or the show's thematic message, but I can't really see anything right now - it feels like just sort of a shallow celebration of animation as an artform with nothing to say.

    • From the things we have seen so far. She can't communicate her animation requirements, and She doesn't know why would she go back to Reality.

      Natsuko isn't a Director in the isekai world. She is an animator. She draws things when prompted by magical voice coming of a peg board(?).

      She doesn't direct the story of perishing into her desired plot line. She just happen to have a power to derail the original plot.

      I think the biggest Δ will be bad director turns into good director.

  • I wonder if this design of Natsuko is also a reference to some old anime movie? After all, this anime really gives me a vibe of paying homage to the classics. Luke did well putting that suit on her, haha. Even though it looks funny, at least you can see her beautiful face.