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I am convinced Mr. Beast is the antichrist

Haven't you ever think, hmm isn't it a little weird seeing a guy named "Mr. Beast" going around healing the blind, giving money away to poor people? Not to mention his public aspirations to become the president. Everybody is saying he speaks in demonic tongues when not in public. He whispers to himself "lord Satan, i serve you, i am at your command" under his breath, many say. According to my sources, he has a secret channel on YouTube which is only visible when you type in "666 HAIL SATAN" into the search bar. There's a video on the channel where he seasons babies and then fries them, creating some sort of KFC analogue, then eats the fried babies while speaking in demonic tongues, eyes rolled back into his head.

This guy is the fucking antichrist, there is no denying it. I will not be silenced by the Beast.

  • There's a video on the channel where he seasons babies and then fries them, creating some sort of KFC analogue, then eats the fried babies

    Mr. Beast practices Gonzalo thought?

  • You need to brush up on your lore! He's clearly the Second beast that arises from the abyss, the one that performs great signs and causes all the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the antichrist. He's the false prophet. Why else have a YouTube channel?