Age gap ‘discourse’ is just cheap moralism. Vapid self-righteousness is like the zoomer internet brainrot equivalent of boomers howling about immigrants
This is just plain liberalism of not having any actual convictions and not knowing why age gaps are actually bad in the "adulthood" beyond the reflexive and visceral "hurr pedo bad you're literally Jimmy Saville if you're 19 hanging out with 18"
Seriously though, this is fucking stupid. I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think they were justified in mob beating this US soldier. Stay within your race and birth year is the message we'll all be getting soon, then? Is anti-age gap really a common thing now among younger people?
I would figure maybe this was caused in part by conservative Catholic anti-sex brainworms and young guys feeling ownership of women their age and jealous that their classmates are dating older guys instead of being their Catholic trad wife. Hook up with a guy a few years older and we'll lynch his ass? That's the message.
why is always when some shit like this gets posted i see a bunch of reactionary comments on hexbear like 'oh well i guess we all have to date someone born the same SECOND as us HUH? I better tell my WIFE I'm a P*DO because there's two years between us!!' like come the fuck on
i get it, idpol's gone wild and the youth are nutso but do you really have to throw out the nuance?? maybe i'm misreading things but it feels like some of yall get really defensive when this topic comes up, and as a result we can never have any valid discussion about this topic without someone throwing some reddit-level bad faith thing at you for saying 'yes, there is some truth to age-gap discourse'
This is more than likely some sort of clickbait based on how irrationally annoyed I feel (my internal "Am I being fucked up?" meter), but no one should be doing "To catch a predator"-"esque" sting operations. Esque (not a real word according to Apple. Thanks, Tim (it is)) in quotes because calling it such sort of implies a similar dynamic of "adult seeking obvious child" for sexual reasons. Or other inappropriate relations... which is basically any relations between some stranger and a child. Two adults meeting is not "to catch a predator" unless the 18 year old was pretending (as they did on the original show) to be underage. Like 14 or something. Then, ok. But that's not represented here.
Beyond that, random, private citizens have absolutely no business doing this type of stuff. It's debatable if even the fucking cops/FBI, in cooperation with skilled professionals, should even be doing this stuff. Certainly not for anyone's "entertainment." If there is a legitimate predator problem amongst the general population that justifies stings like this, then the appropriate law enforcement agencies can/should handle it. They can announce the stats from the stings afterwards. We don't need some Chris Hansen type lecturing a creepy 42 year old munching on pizza who thought he was going to meet a 14 year old girl from AOL instant messenger. I understand it's "funny" or mostly just shocking to see such footage, but still, some things just shouldn't be made.
Also, most sexual assault of children is done by people they trust. Family members or close family friends. It's not common that a stranger from the internet is the perpetrator. Also, cops are a huge percentage of abusers. If these types of "pedo stings" (which this doesn't appear to be... given only this headline) wanted to be effective they'd just wait for cops to arrive and search the cops' shit. Statistically, that would turn up more evidence of wrongdoing than luring random dumbasses (who are gross, for the record. Doesn't need to be stated...)
Anyway, all that said, the media tying this to a TikTok trend which I've heard of exactly twice makes me think this was a tiny, isolated, still very stupid and bad, incident. So, in short... I got clickbaited
I don't really like the age gap discourse. I think it is attempting to use identity politics to explain structural peobelms. Why is an age gap bad? Because cis het relationships are inherently bad and without sufficient experience to navigate them younger partners are likely to be hurt? Or because they are unlikely to lead to a successful marriage and kids? That's awfully partirarchy pilled. Let's imagine the converse. Which is better a boomer? Or a boomer that has stayed socially adaptable enough to be able to prosocially enguage with the younger generations? I get you don't want boomers being predatory in other spaces but that is a failure to develop the tools to exclude predatory people. Something about this discourse and skill based match making discourse is kicking around in my head and ai haven't figured out a dialectic answer to all this.
if both people are adults and safe in making whatever decision they want then it's fine. I know someone who dates several decades above their age, I say have fun. People can be abusive manipulators to people their own age as well.